What my father means to me

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186 MCcrary Ave.

Maycomb County, AL 18675

June 11, 14

Dear Judges,

College papers on What my father means to me

My name is Jean Louise Finch, but people around the town call me Scout. I hear that

your paper is having a Father of the Year Contest. You say you want to know who the father of the year is of our town, well thats simple my pa Mr. Atticus Finch is the only man who can

hold that title.

My daddy, Mr. Atticus Finch is the calmest person I know. I remember one time when I

was having problems with my teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher. She was upset that I already knew

how to read, and she demanded that my father stopped teaching me. I was so upset that I decided

to drop out of school, and when I told Atticus about my decision, he didnt flip out, he was very

calm, and talked me into changing my mind. Another incident was when a lynch mob went

downto the jail to get Tom Robinson, and when they got there, Atticus was sitting in his chair

reading his newspaper in front of the jail house. They told Atticus to move out the way, he kindly

got up out his chair folded his newspaper and said I think you all should go home. He was also

calm when Mr. Bob Ewell spat in his face, cause he had taken Tom Robinsons case and defended

him well in court. My daddy didnt spit back, punch or kick Mr. Ewell, he just walked away and

said, I wish Bob Ewell wouldnt chew tobacco.

My daddy is the nicest man in Maycomb County. He always had nice words to say to

people. He did kind things for everyone. My daddy Atticus Finch respected everyone, and

treated everyone the way he wanted to be treated. For example when ever me and my brother

would pass Mrs. Duboses house going to town, she would always make smart remarks toward

us, saying that I should wear a dress or, that its a shame that our father hadnt remarried and

found someone to take care of us. She would also call my daddy a nigger lover. This upset my

brother Jem and I. My daddy had sensed that it did and he said Easy does it son. Shes an old

lady and shes ill. You just got to hold your head up high and be a gentleman. One afternoon

when we walked by her house, Atticus sweep of his hat, waved gallantly to her and said, Good

evening, Mrs. Dubose! You look like a picture today. He then told her the courthouse news and

said he hoped with all his heart that she would have a good day tomorrow. My daddy would say

all those nice things to her knowing she doesnt speak so kindly of him. Now if that was me, I

wouldnt have been so nice. I would have her told. Wouldnt you?

The thing that really suprises me about my daddy is hes not stuch up on being rich. Whe

ever he represents someone who cant pay him he just tells them not to worry about it. Like when

my daddy defended Mr. Cunningham and won, but Mr. Cunningham couldnt repay my daddy

with cash, so Atticus let him pay with harvest, fruits and vegetables. There arent many people I

know who would allow him to do that. So this is what makes my daddy Father of the Year, please nominate him.

Yours Truely,

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