Pakistani Food in the American Culture

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Imagine for a moment, everyone in the world eats the same food, prepared in the exact same way. Boring, isn't it? But now let me ask you this do people tend to think that the food in their own culture is good while other cultures are not so good? Well, here in America, that answer would be no. America, known for its diverse population, is advancing towards mainstreaming numerous amounts of ethnic dishes through acceptance and consumption. Research taken from the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences from the University of Illinois indicates that 70 to 80 percent of consumers "are familiar with…Chinese, German, French, Greek, Cajun/Creole, Japanese, Indian, Caribbean and Spanish cuisines" and that the reason for its popularity is because of the diverse immigration into the U.S. As ethnic groups grow larger, so is the change in American cuisine. As a result, various consumers are enthusiastically in quest of spicy foods, playing a vital role in giving recognition to other ethnic foods. That brings me to today's topic The various Pakistani foods that have become popular in some regions of the US, the influence of Islam in its cuisine, and the countless types of herbs and spices used.

The cuisine of Pakistan is a mixture of Arab, Turkish, Persian and Indian influences. Roti (bread), chawal (rice), sabzi (vegetables) and gosht (meat) are the four main components of a Pakistani meal. Naan is the most popular form of bread and is eaten at almost any meal. Besides these basic foods, ceremonial occasions such as weddings have inspired a number of lavish dishes. A traditional dish at marriage feasts, for example, is chicken curry with either pilau or baryani. Ras gulla, made from cream of rice and milk, is an equally traditional wedding dessert. It is served in clay saucers topped by silver foil. Some sweet foods mithai are sweets made of flour and milk or cream and are cooked in sweet syrups. These are very popular and are enjoyed on special occasions. Other foods in American mainstream Fruit drinks, squeezed from pomegranates, apples, melons, or mangoes, and called sharbat, are an important part of the Mongolia cuisine, that had a big influence on Pakistani culture, and the inspiration for American sherbets. This leads me to my next point a big factor that changed how we prepare our food.

The spread of Islam to what is now Pakistan, starting in the Eighth Century, has given a basic character to the food of the people. Taken from CIA-World Factbook, Muslims make up 7% of its population and they refrain from eating any pork. Most Pakistanis follow this diet restriction strictly and will avoid all foods cooked with lard. Alcohol is also prohibited in Islam. The Quranic injunctions against eating pork or drinking alcoholic beverages have directed tastes and appetites in other directions. Lamb, beef, chicken and fish are basic foods cooked with various variations. Chicken, goat and beef are popular either in curried form or char-grilled in a tandoor. Specialties include kababs, tikka (barbecued spiced chicken), korma (meat curry) and pulao (rice cooked with meat).Some of the Islamic feasts involve special dishes. Eid-ul-Adha, which commemorates the Prophet Ibrahims readiness to obey God to sacrifice his son, is observed by the sacrifice of a goat, a lamb, or a cow from which special dishes are made. On Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting in the Islamic Calendar, the serving of a special dessert of vermicelli cooked in milk is a must. Almond and pistachios are added as decorations as is the silver foil. Besides the silver foil, almond and pistachios, there are various other spices and ingredients used to decorate and entice the cuisines of Pakistan.

From the earliest times, the imaginative and sometimes heavy use of spices, herbs, seeds, flavorings and seasonings have helped cooks transform rather ordinary foods into delicious cuisines. Consider some of the most common of these in wide use in Pakistan today chili powder, turmeric, garlic, paprika, black pepper, red pepper, cumin seed, bay leaf, coriander, cardamom, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, saffron, mace, nutmeg, poppy seeds, aniseed, almonds, pistachios, and yogurt. Others include a wide range of pickles, chutneys, preserves, and sauces, together with curries of all descriptions and treatment for meats, seafood, vegetables and lentils, giving Pakistani dishes much of its distinctive character.

Essay writing services for Pakistani Food in the American Culture papers

Cultural influences, religious practices, local traditions, ceremonies, or even esthetic preferences, have made their contribution toward the evolution of Pakistani cuisine.

Now you can see why Pakistanis think their food is the best! The next time you try something new, remember that you have been given an opportunity to eat something you don't normally eat and savor the moment that you are now establishing a relationship surrounding whoever made it.


1. University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences http//web.aces.uiuc/wellnessways/pdf/tg_CulturalDivFood.pdf

. CIA The World Factbook, Pakistan http//

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