How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business

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How to Avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business

Some vendors use unscrupulous telephone solicitations to sell their products. When you receive an unsolicited telephone call from a vendor, be very careful what information you provide them. They will try to trick you into giving them a verbal purchase contract.

Some common approaches include

"Hi, Steve, it's Bill from the warehouse, we're ready to ship that order, should it go to your attention?"

"Good morning, this is Yolanda, I'm calling to get the model number off your copier"

"I would like to send you a brand new, revolutionary, high yield toner cartridge for your evaluation"

"Hello David, I was having lunch with Rob yesterday and he said I should contact you to arrange shipment of the flux capacitors"

"My husband died yesterday, he owned a small business, and I need to sell some of his office supplies to pay for the funeral, my good friend, Mr. Leah Flanagan said you would be happy to help me out"

"Hey Jimbo, this is Puff Daddy from the computer supplies warehouse, I would like to send you out our new catalog and while I have you on the phone, let me tell you about a few specials we're having to celebrate our 0th hour in business. Blah,blah, blah,blah, By the way, Jimbo, why don't you give me your home address and I'll send you out a case of those Omaha Steaks, mmm mmmm good…….."

"Hi David, To thank you for your past business, I 'd like to send a combination clock/radio/shotgun to your house, all I ask is that you try……………"

"Howdy friend, how's the weather up there in Syracuse, NY? Y'all seen any snow yet? The reason I'm calling you son, is that I was hopin' you could help me out of a jam, our hauler done broke down on U.S. 81 right near your place and I got a load of ice melt just wastin' away, so have I got a deal for you……"

There are a million variations of the above scenarios and the number of commodities that they are trying to peddle increases regularly. The most common commodities include light bulbs, maintenance supplies, office supplies, computer supplies and printer supplies.

Some strategies to safely get off the phone are

"We don't make purchases over the phone, please send me a catalog"

"I'm not authorized to make purchases, please call the Purchasing Department"

"We only purchase from approved suppliers. If you send your latest financial statement to the Director of Purchasing, I'm sure he will consider adding you to the list"

"We have a long term contract for those products, it expires on January 15th……………..008"

"We only do business by purchase order, please call the Purchasing Department"

The longer you entertain these people on the telephone the more likely that you will say something that could be interpreted as a verbal contract. Sometimes just getting your last name will result in a shipment to our company to your attention. Keep the conversation professional and brief. Please see Sue Welch or myself if you have any questions.

Please note that this sample paper on How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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