The Colour Out of Space

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A story called horror which is usually based on couple elements and facts which make the story scary. Horror stories contain thematic elements such has gore, violence, terror and disturbing images. The story "The Colour Out of Space" by HP Lovecraft is a science fiction and dark fantasy which contains many scary moments and the characters inside the story have fear about the events which happen around them. "The Colour Out of Space" has its horror because of the sequence of terrible events such as dyeing of the characters of story and the scary moments that the story has.

The story of Lovercraft's "The Colour Out of Space" happens in place called Arkham and it's horror starts as people call it in "strange days", when a meteorite fell out of the sky into the ground near Nahum's place who is one of the characters of the story and the horror in the story begins. Many strange and unusual things happen to the Nahum's place where the stone was fallen and his family which those events had sense of horror in itself and were scary. The stone which was fallen near Nahum's well was shrinking and later on disappeared and after a short period of time Nahum notices the first strange thing which happens. In the time of harvest he sees that all his fruits and later on crops grew in unusual large size which he has never seen before. But sadly he mentions "that even the smallest bites induced a lasting disgust." (106) He was not able to use of those crops and he lost them. He believed that the soil of his field was poisoned by the meteorite.

Another sign of horror which appears in the story was the unusual shape of footprints in the snow which was never seen by Nahum or any other person before. Later the people of Arkhum realizes the there is something different with some of the animals in that area. For example some boys saw woodchucks near Nahum's place which were in a different shape from any other woodchucks and were indescribable and scared the boys. Even emotions of the animals like dogs and horses were quite different and noticeable too, they were all frightened. As time passes their emotion becomes even stranger, For example in case of horses Lovercraft explains "their neighing and kicking in their stall had been terrible." (10) Nahum's horses could not stay in their stall anymore and they all runway Later on all his dogs runway and disappear and later on cows gets very bizarre disease which caused them all death. In the entire story all the animals acts in very strange when they gets near the color of out of space and as Lovercraft describes they were are frightening.

The place that Nahum lives in had very strange and has some scary signs which was different from any other place, and made the theme of story as a horror. Since the fallen of stone, everything was different. Snow melted faster then any place around Nahum's. For instance skunk-cabbages grew extremely big and in very strange colors that no one had ever seen before. Nahum always thought that the soil got poisoned through the fallen stone and it will soon get wash away. The trees around Nahum's swayed even when there was no wind and people could hear and see them which made very scary theme in the story. Well which the stone was fallen very close to it was one of the main elements of horror in the story. Well water had a different test as Lovercraft mention "It had a evil taste that was not exactly fetid nor exactly salty" (10) But the that was not the only horror thing about the well. There was all strange and scary things about the well such as the phosphorescence light from it which splash and it was growing stronger everyday. Later on in the story drinking from the water of the well seems to be the cause of death in characters of the story.

Write a research paper on "The Colour Out of Space"

Going mad and dying of Nahum's family was in fact the most terrifying horror fact of the story. Specially in the very strange and unusual way that all of them die. It all starts when Nahum's wife starts screaming and telling that she seeing something. The second person was his second son Thaddeus who gets craze after a visit to well. After a week his father locks him into a room like his mom and they were screaming terribly all night and Thaddeus dies after some time. After a while his little son Metwin goes out and never comes back and they could never find any sign of him or to track him down anyhow. A couple months later his other son Zenas disappears too which makes his father get mad and think that his son is inside the well and he lives there. At last Nahum himself and his wife Nabby was found dead by their friend who thinks they are got craze and dead because of the water.

The horror inside the story of "The Colour Out of Space" is very obvious to see because of the frightening of its characters. The color out of space brought horror into the town of Alkhum and people of Nahun's family go doomed with it. All the terrible events such as dieing or getting craze of its characters, animal's behavior, and the change in environment was all caused by the color out of space and those entire event developed a very scary time for people "Strange days" (10) called it people of Arkhum because they had never had such terrible and scary in their life before.

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