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Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express

ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship

Thesis Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to

express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship.


I. In the Internet community, there is a large volume of technical terms.

For this reason, it is first necessary to examine the terminology specific to


1. The internet is a world wide computer network.

1. Electronic mail (email), which is one component of the Internet, approximates

person to person letters, memoranda, notes and even phone calls.

. Another term that is often used is electronic news (enews/Usenet), enews is a

broadcast, free to the Internet medium.

. The term FTP is also frequently used. File transfer protocol (FTP) started as

an Internet archival and retrieval medium, somewhat analogous to traditional


4. The world-wide web (WWW), which is another component of the Net, can be used

to publish material that would traditionally appear in journals, magazines,

posters, books, television and even on film.

. It is also essential to give a brief history on the internet.

.The U.S. government is now trying to pass bills to prevent misuse of the Net.

II. In order to understand the need for the ever-growing body of legislation,

it is important to explore the controversy, and the current problems involved

with the Net as it exists must be introduced.

1. The problem that concerns most people is offensive materials such as


. Another crucial internet crime is the stealing of credit card numbers.

Please note that this sample paper on Government is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Government, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Government will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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