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TD-SCDMA (Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access), a new standard for G mobile networks. TD-SCDMA covers all application scenarios. It is designed to address all sizes of cells - from rural areas to hot spots and indoor applications in busy city centers. Since TD-SCDMA is based on the TDD principle and uses unpaired frequency bands, it offers optimum efficiency for both symmetric and asymmetric data services. Due to its small bandwidth of 1.6 MHz this technology allows flexible allocation of the spectrum.

The main challenge for G mobile systems is mastering both symmetric circuit switched services such as speech or video as well as increasing asymmetric packet switched services such as mobile Internet access. In answer to this challenge, TD-SCDMA combines two leading technologies designed as an advanced TDMA/TDD system with an adaptive CDMA component operating in synchronous mode, TD-SCDMA is well suited for all G applications.

In contrast to UTRA-FDD and UTRA-TDDHCR, the TD-SCDMA network elements (NE) can be connected directly to GSM infrastructure. Network operators are able to offer G voice, video and data services without expensive installation of completely new networks. Instead, selective insertion of TD-SCDMA NEs into existing GSM radio access network structures allows a gradual growth of G coverage alongside the upcoming market demand.

Real-time applications like voice and multimedia applications require minimum delay during transmission and the generated traffic is symmetric. For non real-time applications like e-mail, Internet and intranet access, timing constraints are more relaxed and the generated traffic is asymmetric. The near future will show a mix of real-time and non real-time services at the same user terminal. Based on the TDD principle with adaptive switching point between uplink and downlink, TD-SCDMA can perfectly handle symmetric as well as asymmetric traffic perfectly.

Online essay help on TD-SCDMA

Wireless Multi Media requires high data rates. TD-SCDMA offers sufficient bandwidth to handle the data traffic for future multimedia and Internet applications. TD-SCDMA is therefore optimally suited for mobile Internet and multimedia applications.

TD-SCDMA offers a smooth and seamless way of introducing G mobile networks and services. When TD-SCDMA base-stations are connected to an existing GSM system, the existing transmission links may be reused. The spectral efficiency of TD-SCDMA radio systems is to 5 times higher than that of GSM. Together with the flexibility for symmetric as well as asymmetric services and flexible data rates each single carrier is used very efficiently. This allows high traffic densities within each cell or a lower number of larger cells (when the traffic density is lower).

Combining a G air interface with a stable and established GSM infrastructure shortens time to market for G services. This speeds up implementation of new user applications and quickly makes mobile Internet a reality. With TD-SCDMA it is possible for operators to increase the capacity of existing GSM networks gradually with respect to user numbers and data throughput. At the same time the new radio components fit seamlessly into existing network operation and maintenance strategies.

Please note that this sample paper on TD-SCDMA is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on TD-SCDMA, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on TD-SCDMA will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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