Journal Reflection - Jealousy

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Shakespeare's Othello is a play about the jealousy of one man, known as Iago. It is his jealousy that drives the force of the play. After learning about Iago, I believe that everyone experiences jealousy/envy in his or her life. Although, there isn't that much of difference between jealousy and envy, jealousy in general is experienced when something a person has is taken away or is in threatened by someone else. Whereas, envy in general is experienced when a person doesn't measure up to someone else or something a person wants that someone else have. Jealousy can happen because of fear, anger, hurt, betrayal, anxiety, agitation, sadness, paranoia, depression, loneliness, envy, coveting, feeling powerless, feeling inadequate, or feeling excluded. There have been several instances in my life in which I have been jealous. The first time I expressed a lot of jealousy was at age seven. I was jealous of my elder sister and younger brother, because they received a toy from my uncle and I didn't. Even though I felt excluded, I tried to hide my emotions by acting happy. One day I was so upset that I didn't want to hide my emotions and let out my anger by breaking my brother's toys. Futhermore, there is an emotion behind every jealous feeling that is much more significant. Behind jealousy there can be a deep fear that a person's needs will not be met. To unmask the jealousy one has to recognize those fears and unmet needs. Needless to say, jealousy is the start of something that leads to serious crime. Therefore, when we are jealousy of someone or their possessions then we might be tempted to commit a crime.

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