Cheating spouse (classification)

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Danielle Crawford

English 00

Due June 6, 00

Characteristics of Cheating Spouses

Cheap writing services for cheating spouse (classification) papers

What are the characteristics of a cheating spouse? In addition, what are the mistakes a cheating spouse commit? Cheating in the Webster dictionary is the act of deceiving. Specifically, cheating spouses fall into four categories the spouse that gets caught but blames it on the other spouse, the spouse that tells the their spouse that they are cheating and expects the other spouse to be okay with the situation, the spouse that stays out all night and comes home with hickies on his/her neck, and finally the spouse that is messing around with someone in the office. All of the cheaters end up getting caught one way or another.

The first category is the spouse that gets caught but blames his/her discretions on the other spouse. This is a classic thought it is not the spouses' fault you made the spouse cheat. The spouse does not want to feel fully responsible for his/her actions, so he/she will give as to hundred and one reasons or excuses on why he/she cheated, so he/she can make the other spouse feel bad and want to take them back.

The Second category, is the spouse that tells their spouse that they are cheating and expects the other spouse to be okay with the situation. He/ she has an arrogant demeanor about his/her self. The spouse feels the other person in the relationship is lucky to be in the relationship. He/she knows the person would not leave the relationship because the spouse knows that their spouse could not find anyone better, so the spouse continues to cheat.

The third category is the spouse that stays out all night and comes home with hickies on his/her neck; smelling like the other person's scent, and tries not to acknowledge that it is there or does not know where it came from. The spouse is obviously too dumb for the spouse own good or just likes to live on the streets.

Final category is, the spouse that is messing around with someone in the office. This is one of the hardest ones to detect, because he/she spends most of their face time with the spouse and the family. The spouse always work a lot of hours, takes really long lunches and a lot of out of state business trips with an opposite sex co-worker. To a spouse, this would look as if their spouse is working hard to make ends meet, but if you look closely, this person is working hard, but not at what we would expect him/her to be doing during work hours.

Not every cheating spouse falls under these categories, but cheating spouses always find new ways to trick their spouses.

All of the spouses in these categories eventually are caught, but there are a few that slip through the cracks. Cheating never makes sense and it always ends up hurting the other spouse. If there is any problems in the marriage, a spouse's need to inform the other spouse and him/her should sit down and make a joint decision if they want to leave or continue with the relationship.

Please note that this sample paper on cheating spouse (classification) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on cheating spouse (classification), we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on cheating spouse (classification) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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