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Before we start asking what are the advantages of smoking, we should ask ourselves why do people have the same common interests of smoking? We all know smoking is bad for your lungs, and many other reasons. So why even bother? Is it because it makes you cool? Or perhaps you smoke because everyone you know of does it? There are lots of reasons for you to give yourself an opportunity to smoke, and it doesn¡¦t matter what reason you give yourself, but you have decided if you want to smoke! That¡¦s fine with me, because I am not here to convince you not to smoke, and not just them I am here to tell you what are the positive things about smoking. Does smoking make you health? NO! Does smoking make you grow taller? NO. Then what the heck are the advantages that you can fine in your daily smoking?

Many people say that smoking can make you relax when you are pissed off at something. One day you just had a fight with your best friend and perhaps you can go out side and light a cigarette and calms you down with your anger. Does it really work? Sure it does! Because it¡¦s all in your mind. You think the cigarette can make you feel better, you believe that cigarette will help you. And you also believe that cigarettes is what you need when you aren¡¦t all pissed of, and what to see no one; that¡¦s when are cigarette will come in all those, so you went outside and have a light of cigarette, and you find yourself feeling much better after you come back in. Why? Because, again, it¡¦s all in your head. Does smoking really make you feel good? No, but for lots people it does, so if you have nothing else to make yourselves relax or calm try a cigarette!

As we know from the past years, we learn that nd hand-smoke is worse than 1st hand-smoke That which means, a non-smoker went up to a person who is smoking, for the person who doesn¡¦t smoke has breath in more unhealthy air into their lungs than the person who is smoking, Because the non-smoker is breathing in the unhealthy air after from the smoker¡¦s mouth. So therefore, if you don¡¦t want to be breathing nd hand-smoker (because it¡¦s worse than 1st hand ¡Vsmoker) you can try to become a smoker, so that you don¡¦t have to be come a nd hand-smoker. Not good for your body, but better than nd-smoker.

Most teenager smokers, smoke because they think smoking is ¡§kool¡¨ and maybe perhaps that¡¦s the way they think they can trick more girls. I personally, don¡¦t think so. I ask myself the same question before too. Do I really need to get a hot girlfriend by smoking? No, right? Wrong! Because I am here to tell you that, you can get a lot of hot bitches (no offence here) out there if you smoke. But it¡¦s really depending on whether what kind of girls you like? Some people like hot, sexy girls that is really out going. And in some case, to get those kinds of girls, you first have to have the hobbit of ¡Vsmoking. Again, for some of you; to smoke, it¡¦s just to look cool. So you are deciding whether you should smoke or not. And you decided you want to look cool. So you did it. And so you get what you think you want-girls.

Many of you want to grow up and get married, raise a family and live happily ever after. A teenager wants to be adults. They can¡¦t wait. Therefore, if smoking is linked to the adult thing. Then most teenagers perhaps decided to smoke because they so went to grow up and becoming an adult. And sure being an adult is very important to teenagers. What most parents are adults? And what adult¡¦s do, teenager does them to try to make them look like adults too. So teenagers crave to be adults, to take their place in society and to a full adult member of the tribe. The real reason kids smoke to be more adult is because rebelling is the sign of being an adult. Adults makes their own choose, children have to do what their parent tell them to do. Parents tell children not to smoke. But teenagers smoke to prove they have the authority to make their own choices. So, if you want to be more adult in this world-you can try smoking.

I am sure there is a lot more advantage of smoking. And I hop after you reading this message; you realize that not smoking is always bad. There are still positive things to it. And because z is running out the room, so I have to stop have. And at last I wanna say that, ¡§When you make your own decisions. You take the responsibility of deciding your own future, if you make yourself feel matter when you are about to pick up a fight with someone you are going to have a better future than if you make a bad decisions, such as maybe you decided not to smoke, and maybe you¡¦ll lose your tamper one day and pick up a fight with some one because you didn¡¦t have the tiny light of cigarette! So, you are what you choose to be, so choose it wisely.¡¨ So, ask yourself, are you a smoker? If not? What are you waiting for? Just like one of my summer school teacher said when I was small, he said that?¡¨ If you don¡¦t want fats in your body, why do you want fats in your writing? Well, and now I am saying that, ¡§If you don¡¦t want fats in your body, why don¡¦t you get smoking so you can loose all your fats? Well, perhaps! Anything and everything is an advantage of smoking, it¡¦s all in your head. Smoking, not smoking, there are no rights or wrongs, Relax, and choose what you want to choose, and choose it wisely.

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