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A single person's life can be separated into many different parts, sometimes creating different personalities in one being. Some decide to separate there life and hold different attitudes depending on where they are, and who there with. In my research and observations with students at York College of Pennsylvania, I have found most of the students do not make a connection between their social and academic life. They live as one person during the day, yet while hanging out in the party scene they never speak much of life in school.
The conversation of the students that I observed, concentrated on a broad variety of topics. From sports to cars, and from relationships to alcohol, however not much of the conversation focused much around "hey, so what are you learning about in class?" When I asked some students if they ever think about school while they are hanging out, the most popular answer was "DUDE, I don't even want to think about it."
Instead, the topic that comes about most is alcohol. For most of the students at parties, there is only one reason for being there. Drink all the alcohol until there's no more left, then you leave. "What you drinking?" or "Yo, How long is the line for the keg?" is question you hear most while still at the party. After you get passed the whole alcohol topic, the next one to come up is usually that of relationships, who's with who, and who hates who.
That everyday drama between the male and female population that drives some through life, and that brings tears to others, always comes out more at the party scene. A party is a great place for rumors and gossip to spread. So naturally it does. Girls talk about the guys they like, and vise versa. It becomes a game for some by taking about who "hooked up" with whom, and who the next on the list may be. Some actually seem to care about the opposite sex, and go about a relationship the right way, while others seem to jump from one to another, not caring about their feelings at the time.
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After the party, when everyone gathers back home, and everyone has had their fair share of alcohol the regular conversation of sports and other hobbies come up. The students all have talks of their favorite sports teams, and have that never ending battle against "The Best" team. The guys start bragging about their cars and how fast they can go. While the girls sit back and talk about who knows what! When you're back at home base, most people walk around and tend to show off how drunk they are, or on the other hand, how drunk they want u to think they are. Students tend to flaunt it more, like it's and accomplishment. The more they drank, and the dumber they acted, reflects how well they did that night. It almost becomes a huge competition.
Please don't get me or any of the other students at York College wrong. Most of us do not base our life on all of this that I have mentioned. It's just the conversation, and the mind-set the majority of us have when we're out and about. It's a time to get away from the school and studying life. Like I mentioned before "DUDE, I don't even want to think about it." Is the way most of us feel about the sometimes stressful college academic life. The weekends, are a chance to hang out, and relax. The last thing anyone would want to think about is what they are learning in class.
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