How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business

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How to Avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business

Some vendors use unscrupulous telephone solicitations to sell their products. When you receive an unsolicited telephone call from a vendor, be very careful what information you provide them. They will try to trick you into giving them a verbal purchase contract.

Some common approaches include

"Hi, Steve, it's Bill from the warehouse, we're ready to ship that order, should it go to your attention?"

"Good morning, this is Yolanda, I'm calling to get the model number off your copier"

"I would like to send you a brand new, revolutionary, high yield toner cartridge for your evaluation"

"Hello David, I was having lunch with Rob yesterday and he said I should contact you to arrange shipment of the flux capacitors"

"My husband died yesterday, he owned a small business, and I need to sell some of his office supplies to pay for the funeral, my good friend, Mr. Leah Flanagan said you would be happy to help me out"

"Hey Jimbo, this is Puff Daddy from the computer supplies warehouse, I would like to send you out our new catalog and while I have you on the phone, let me tell you about a few specials we're having to celebrate our 0th hour in business. Blah,blah, blah,blah, By the way, Jimbo, why don't you give me your home address and I'll send you out a case of those Omaha Steaks, mmm mmmm good…….."

"Hi David, To thank you for your past business, I 'd like to send a combination clock/radio/shotgun to your house, all I ask is that you try……………"

"Howdy friend, how's the weather up there in Syracuse, NY? Y'all seen any snow yet? The reason I'm calling you son, is that I was hopin' you could help me out of a jam, our hauler done broke down on U.S. 81 right near your place and I got a load of ice melt just wastin' away, so have I got a deal for you……"

There are a million variations of the above scenarios and the number of commodities that they are trying to peddle increases regularly. The most common commodities include light bulbs, maintenance supplies, office supplies, computer supplies and printer supplies.

Some strategies to safely get off the phone are

"We don't make purchases over the phone, please send me a catalog"

"I'm not authorized to make purchases, please call the Purchasing Department"

"We only purchase from approved suppliers. If you send your latest financial statement to the Director of Purchasing, I'm sure he will consider adding you to the list"

"We have a long term contract for those products, it expires on January 15th……………..008"

"We only do business by purchase order, please call the Purchasing Department"

The longer you entertain these people on the telephone the more likely that you will say something that could be interpreted as a verbal contract. Sometimes just getting your last name will result in a shipment to our company to your attention. Keep the conversation professional and brief. Please see Sue Welch or myself if you have any questions.

Please note that this sample paper on How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on How to avoid Telemarketing Scams in Business will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

New York

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on New York. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality New York paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in New York, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your New York paper at

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New York

In 1608, the French Explorer, Samuel de Champlain discovered the magnificent beauty of New York. A year later, a man by the name of Henry Hudson working for the Dutch claimed the area in the name of Netherlands.

Now colonized by the English, New York is a working and thriving colony just waiting for you to inhabit.

Do my essay on New York


The colony of New York was founded by Henry Hudson in the name of the Netherlands.

Reasons for being Founded

New York was founded for economical reasons relating to the exchange of its rich natural resources.

In 1664 New York was conquered by England and further colonized.

People in the Colony

The population of New York mainly consists of white Dutch settlers but our opinions and outlook is very diverse leaving you the opportunity to change New York. Some of the immigrants also came from Germany, Sweden, France, and Scotland.

Climate and Geography

The New York weather can be hot and humid during the season of summer, and the winter season can get very cold with gusty winds, but the beautiful snowy scenery is extraordinary

The geography of our colony exquisite with rolling rocky mountains and miles of forest. Also,near the Hudson river lies miles of intriguing swamp land.


Over 0% of economy during the time of the Thirteen Colonies was farming. For those who were not farmers earned a living as a skilled craftsman. Blacksmiths, shoemakers, tanners, and other craftsman provided needed goods and service to the townspeople.


One of the main reasons the colonists came to the "new world" freedom of religion. But it didn't work that way. Most of the colonists believed that the only way for the colony to succeed was to convert to they're one religion (Christianity).

Politics / Government

Please note that this sample paper on New York is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on New York, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on New York will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on antigone. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality antigone paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in antigone, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your antigone paper at

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In the play Antigone, by Sophocles, there are still many debates on who is the real tragic hero. Many would say that they believe that Antigone herself is the tragic hero of the play, after all the play doesn't only include her name, it is her name and she suffers through many traumatic events due to her attempt at honor. But in actuality, Creon is the tragic hero in the play of Antigone. In order to come to this conclusion one must first answer the question of "what is a tragic hero?" The definition of a tragic hero consists of 7 basic parts or steps. In the play Antigone, we find that Creon meets all of these criteria, making him the tragic hero.

The first step of a tragic hero is some act, which sets the tragic process in motion. Creon is the new king of Thebes, and he first asserts his power when he issues a law forbidding the burial of Antigone's brother, Polynices. Many would think that this would be the act which fulfils the first step, but in actuality the death of both brothers itself sets the tragic process in motion. Without the brothers killing each other there would be no reason for Creon to forbid Polynices' burial, so it is their death that is the first step of the pattern of a tragic hero.

However, Creon's forbidding Polynices' burial does have a step in the basic pattern. It is the second step where the tragic hero sets out to restore order. Creon believes that he is doing good by forbidding Polynices' burial. He thinks that Polynices was being selfish by killing his brother, especially when he was not fighting for his country, nor did he die for is country. " Eteocles, who fell fighting in defense of the city…is to be honored with burial and with all the rites due to the noble dead. The other-you know whom I mean- his brother Polynices, who came back from exile intending to burn and destroy his fatherland and the gods of his fatherland…he is to have no grave, no burial…it is forbidden." So Creon thought that by forbidding his proper burial he was giving Polynices a rightful and earned punishment, or in other words he was trying to restore order, which is the criterion of the second step.

College Essays on antigone

The third step is to suffer because you believe in what you're doing when others don't. Antigone, Ismene, Haemon, and even Chorus all speak up to Creon at sometime during the play to express their feelings on his reconsideration of Antigone's sentencing to death. This just adds to Creon's anger, which makes him lose his relationship with his son, and even with the city of Thebes. The people start to lose respect for him because he becomes such a power hungry ruler who cares about nothing but himself. "The people of Thebes! Since when do I take my orders from the people of Thebes?" By following what he believe in, he loses respect as a king, and even as a man.

The contrast of the hero's vision of the future and the actual outcome is the fourth step in basic pattern for a tragic hero. Creon, despite his bad choices, was trying to be a good ruler. His flaw was that his idea of a good ruler is an absolute ruler. Creon tried to take over Thebes and make it a better city, "I am determined that never, if I can help it, shall evil triumph over good." Ironically that is exactly what happened, and it is Creon who made it that way. I believe that it was that way because of his passion toward ruling and his need to be in power. This brings one to the fifth step of a tragic hero. This step is that when calamity occurs, the hero's real feelings are portrayed. This is true for Creon in the way that when Haemon tells his father how he feels about everything that Creon is doing, and how the people are against him, Creon basically outcasts Haemon. Creon tells Haemon that he is not a good son, and that he doesn't care if Haemon dies with Antigone. Thus fulfilling the fifth step.

When Creon loses his son, his wife, and the respect of the people he finally realizes that what he has done is wrong. He does not except his fate meekly, and this is the sixth step. " The sin, the sin of the erring soul drives hard unto death. Behold the slayer, the slain, the father, the son. O the curse of my stubborn will! Son, newly cut off in the newness of youth, dead for my fault, not yours." When Creon discovers his son dead, he cries out against himself for what he has done, and he suffers greatly for it.

The last step of one basic pattern for a tragic hero is the hero's understanding of his wrong doing through his suffering. Creon meets the criteria for this final step because the death of his wife and son bring him to it. When he looses everything he had, including the trust and respect of the people of Thebes he finally realizes his wrongs. But now it is too late, for ironically everything he tried to make good, has fallen apart because of his stubborn ways, and he knows it. Creon states at the end of the play, "Of happiness the crown and chiefest part is wisdom, and to hold the gods in awe. This is the law that, seeing the stricken heart of pride brought down, we learn when we are old."

Because of his realization of wrongs, Creon has successfully fulfilled all of the steps to become a tragic hero. Despite many beliefs that Antigone is the tragic hero in this play, and despite the fact that she suffers greatly throughout the play, she is not the tragic hero. Creon's stubbornness and need to be in power gave him the worst suffering of all. Not only did he lose everything of importance, but also he did it all without gaining any honor. Unfortunately Creon is the real tragic hero.

Please note that this sample paper on antigone is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on antigone, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on antigone will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on computers. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality computers paper right on time.

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The issue of people's attitude being affected by situation is a controversial one. On one hand it is seen that adversity can mend an ordinary persons attitude. On the other hand history has shown that great people never succumbed to adverse situations. However, In the final analysis, I believe that people belonging to the general mass are vulnerable to situation surrounding.

The first reason for my belief is that it has been proven scientifically that it does happen. For example, In the study of human identical twins given different situation and surrounding had different attitudes altogether albeit being same internally(genetically).

Another reason for my belief is also another scientific finding that about 10%of our new generation suffering from stress related disorders which primarily affect the attitude towards life. Despite we being the same human beings, over the past few centuries, this rate has increased then ever. The reason for this is said to be the fast pace of change of today's life. This lends credence to my view.

Many of today's social problems of violence criminal activities and the new carnage agent, terrorism stem from people exposed to adverse situations/surroundings. For example, There are many instances where it has been found that children abused during there childhood resorted to violent activity in there future. Poverty and unemployment is cited the main cause of people in underdeveloped countries joining terrorist groups.

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Therefore I believe that although people differ in there ability to resist the effect of surrounding and, The same situation can caused development of opposite attitudes in different individuals, they do affect the attitude.

you son of a bitch!!!

Please note that this sample paper on computers is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on computers, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on computers will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

The power of enzymes

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on the power of enzymes. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality the power of enzymes paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in the power of enzymes, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your the power of enzymes paper at

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The power of enzymes

Methods and Materials

· 6 beakers, 00m1 ($15)

· spoons

· Soap, cut or grated into very fine pieces (6g for each experiment)

· Biological washing powder (6g for each experiment)

· lOOml measuring cylinder ($10)

· large beakers, 500m1 ($0)

· Cotton wool ($.50)


Cut the sample of cotton wool and roll into 6 small bundles. Stain two bundles with soil, two with egg and two with used cooking oil. Do not stain too heavily, otherwise the cleansing effect would be difficult to observe. See diagram below.

Cut the sample of cotton wool and roll into 6 small bundles. Stain two bundles with soil, two with egg and two with used cooking oil. Do not stain too heavily, otherwise the cleansing effect would be difficult to observe.

Weigh 6g of the fine soap pieces in a 500ml beaker and add 00ml of water.

Stir to dissolve the soap. Measure l00ml of the soap solution into each of three

00ml beakers.

Weigh 6g of biological washing powder in a 500 ml beaker and add 00ml of water. Stir to dissolve. Some brands of washing powders might not dissolve readily in water, in such cases a dispersion of the washing powder in water is good enough for the experiment.

Measure 100 ml of the washing powder solution into each of the three 00ml beakers.

To each of the soap solutions, add one piece of the stained cotton either - one soil stained, one egg stained or one oil stained. Do the same for the washing powder solutions.

Examine the beakers at intervals of 5 minutes, up to half an hour. And then make one final examination at the end of 1 hour.

Some questions could be asked about this activity.

· From the results obtained, do biological washing powders have better cleansing power than soap?

· What type of enzyme or enzymes could be present in the brand of washing powder you are using?


Use different types of washing powders or different types of stains, but only vary one factor at a time; e.g. if you compare one biological washing powder with another, test at the same temperature on the same type of stain on the same material.

Other types of stains like tomato sauce, lipsticks, grease and mangosteen skin juice may also be used.

For one of the materials that you have tried out in (a), compare the action of soap with that of the biological washing powder on stained material soaked for 15 minutes in water at the following temperatures

1. 5oC (cold water from tap)

. 45oC (warm water)

. 100oC (boiling water, CAREFUL!)

Does biological washing powder work well in boiling water? Why or why not?

What has this got to do with Biotechnology?

Enzymes are the main active ingredient in the washing powder. The main method of producing the enzymes is through the culture of microorganisms on a large scale under special conditions. Man is therefore making use of microorganisms to produce the desired products. Furthermore, man is also using the product of the microorganisms to perform a service. In this case, he is using enzymes to clean the stains. This is a valuable service!

Please note that this sample paper on the power of enzymes is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the power of enzymes, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on the power of enzymes will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!