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Shakespeare found the story of Macbeth in "The History of Scotland" and used it as the basis for the play performed for James the VI of Scotland and I of England. The true version was altered by Shakespeare to make Banquo innocent with Macbeth being the sole murderer of Duncan. James was descended from Banquo and Fleance. However, this play is not about the history, although it lends an added edge. It is a play that teaches us the old lesson, crime does not pay, but we also have the suspense of a gripping and bloody murder story.
Most interestingly, through the close study of the character of Macbeth, we see very clearly the effects of ambition, uncontrolled ambition, on a man who is basically of good intent, who clearly knows right from wrong……and whose guilt at committing the most terrible crime lead him to extreme paranoia. Shakespeare takes us on a journey through Macbeth's descent from one foul deed to another.
Macbeth is a complex character, first mentioned by the Third Witch in scene one. We hear about him firstly through narrative we do not see him.
Instead Shakespeare has decided that we should learn about Macbeth from other characters. It allows him to paint a picture in our minds, which he then twists as the plot demands. Initially all is well. In Scene where Duncan is camped, a badly wounded Sergeant meets Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain and Lennox. Malcolm tells him to tell the king his "knowledge of the broil," as he saw it.
Shakespeare makes it clear that the sergeant is biased towards Macbeth and Banquo. The first words the sergeant speaks of Macbeth tells us he is brave, fearless his sword "smok'd with bloody execution" he is described as the favourite of truth and bravery as he fights his way through. It is clear that Shakespeare wants us to see him as brave and valiant. The sergeant goes on to use the phrases "brave Macbeth,"and describes how he "fixed his head upon our battlements." Having first "cut him from the nave to the chaps." This refers to the traitor MacDonwald.
I think that Shakespeare makes Macbeth do these things to show that he is ruthless, and capable of killing in a one to one situation.
Duncan cannot fail to be impressed with this hero! And Shakespeare makes even more of him in the next statements. The sergeant goes on to claim that, Macbeth is powerful like a lion and clever like the eagle. He tells us that Banquo and Macbeth were "cannons overcharged with double cracks", in other words they are exploding with the aggression needed to win the day.
Ross appears to add his description of Macbeth's deeds to the account. He describes Macbeth as "Bellona's bridegroom" Bellona being the goddess of war. Macbeth now stands against the Thane of Cawdor, and beats him. Successfully "The victory fell on us." From this I think Shakespeare wants to portray a man who is brave on the battlefield and is respected by everyone. There is no hint of him being vindictive or malicious in any way.
So by the end of Scene , we are almost expecting a superhero to fly onto the stage. But, we must remember the play has been introduced by three witches, symbols of evil, who are going to meet with him. So Shakespeare wants us to have a certain feeling of unease. This cannot be entirely wholesome.
Scene opens with the three Witches, waiting for the arrival of Macbeth and Banquo. They are discussing their evil intentions when a drum announces the arrival of Macbeth. "Macbeth doth come." Macbeth's first words, "so foul and fair a day I have not seen," echo almost exactly the words the witches use to end the first scene. "fair is foul and foul is fair." Are they letting us in on the fact that all is not as it seems? I think that Shakespeare makes a point of returning to this theme of foul and fair to remind us that nothing is ever exactly what it seems. Our superhero has feet of clay.
Initially on meeting the Witches, Macbeth is afraid, they know so much about him and their predictions arouse his fear. Banquo can sense a catch but is amazed by Macbeth's reaction he asks him, "why do you fear things that sound so fair?"
The predictions scare him because he does not know whether he should react to them rationally or not. This is a soldier who has just fought a bloody battle, he is a man that Shakespeare has portrayed as a doer not a thinker. But he is ambitious. He wants more from them, "stay you imperfect speakers…….speak I charge you." Now Shakespeare is letting us see his ambition more clearly, Macbeth's conscience tells him murder is not the way, his ambition says otherwise. How could he murder Duncan "whose murder yet is but fantastical." He tries not to think about committing this foul deed, perhaps if chance has made him Thane of Cawdor, then "chance will have me king," is his idea.
In this scene Shakespeare has given us a turning point in the character's make-up. He is clearly even more ruthless than we first thought. The witches have sown the seed of the idea of becoming king and it will become the obsession that is his undoing.
When Duncan, who makes Macbeth Thane of Cawdor, says that just because a man acts honourably and looks like a respectable gentleman, doesn't mean you can trust him is a lovely touch by Shakespeare. Duncan is talking about the previous Thane who betrayed him, and we now know that Macbeth is thinking about going one step further than even that. Shakespeare makes Macbeth appear sly and conniving in his flattery of the king. "Your highness part is to receive your duties and our duties are to your throne and state".
Throughout the play, we find that Shakespear manipulates Macbeth s character through subtle changes. At first he appears to be a brave and honourable soldier. However, his character proves to be more complex. There is a darker side to him; his weakness, his greed and ambition leads him to contemplate the murder of the king
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