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"I'm sorry, Colin. I tried. There was nothing I could do". Marks mental breakdown as a result of to many wars and too many needless deaths, and his eventual acceptance that scars only partially heal, forms the main narrative of the novel. The parallel story of Joaquin Morales, serves to illuminate Marks story. It is through Joaquin's experience of war trauma, though, that the author is able to tie together the events of the modern wars that Mark is involved with to create the plot and theme of survival in this novel.
Just before his breakdown, Mark searches for the endless promises offered by the travel guide books, like the promise that psychiatry offers mentally ill patients. Joaquin does not offer Mark that promise because he belongs to an age 'where regrets were useless', when 'the ruthless and cunning were blessed, an age when all good things came to those quick enough to seize them.' That was how Joaquin explained it to himself. Joaquin is an opportunist. He acquires an ancestral home in Spain to use as a hospital for his psychotherapy patients and is motivated by opportunism, rather than by care. He, like Mark, has been the victim of war and has lost his entire family. The experience, rather than leaving him traumatised, like Mark, has instead made him realistic about what can be achieved. Even now, Marks case presents him an opportunity both to prove that he his methods of psychotherapy were of 'great benefit' and to be close enough to Elena to persuade her to re-establish their relationship. This opportunity plays a large role in the plot of the novel.
By listening carefully, one by one, to Mark's accounts of his war experiences, Joaquin is able to restore mark's memory of Colin's death, although, this is not the end of Marks devastating trauma. It is only at this point that his journey towards gaining self knowledge about his past and about himself, and there are times in Spain when the reader doubts if Mark can ever accept the guilt that he feels for allowing Colin to die, for not being able to save him. Joaquin also embarks are similar journey in dealing or remembering his past and duties he committed upon Carlos Perez. As the Perez mystery unravels the reader discovers that Joaquin's opportunism has another side. Like Talzani, Joaquin believes that it is better to kill a maimed human than to allow him to continue living in a personal hell. But his acts of mercy heave left him too, like Mark, with a burden of guilt. From this we can see how both two characters parallel stories interact with each other to form the plot of the novel playing a great importance.
'Triage' is a novel about survival. Mark suffers from "The guilt of the survivor", because he believes he has not done enough to save others. Joaquin points out that Mark's guilt is normal. "To feel guilt in war only shows you have a conscience, a quality to be admired". Joaquin explains how he escaped the indiscriminate killing by the Republicans early in the civil war by fleeing his home. As a survivor there was no cause for guilt and he knew that he must accept his new life or die. Mark however, cannot yet accept the notion that "the dead don't need anything from us". At the Morales institute, Joaquin treated those who "had done things beyond forgiveness", those who had been purified as a last hope for their own survival and for the survival of their communities. Through Joaquin, Anderson makes the point that each person's reactions will be different. Some like Mark will recoil from the horror of what he has experienced, while others become ruthless killers, but all must learn to survive.
Essay service for your 'Sometimes it was a terrible thing to be the one who lived.' How are the parallels between Mark and Joaquin Morales's stories important to the plot? paper
Like Mark, who has been through and experienced the extremities of war, Joaquin is able to reflect on the reasons for wars. He also knows personally and through his work that wars change people's fundamental beliefs. Joaquin himself suffers the guilt of the duties he carried out during the Spanish Civil War. He is the lone survivor of the massacre of his own family. In comparison Mark is the lone survivor of a friendship and the guilt suffered in turn by it. Joaquin and Mark's stories play a crucial role in the novels plot as the present many of the major themes evident in the novel and the basic fundamentals that complete the text.
"……There is no salvation, mark. There is no God to forgive you and there is no psychiatrist who can cure you. This is the Western idea that we can pass over our pains, how absurd! ....You carry them with you forever. That is what it means to live."
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