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Point of View

Alan and Naomi are in third person limited. It is in third person limited because the author can only enter Alan's thoughts but not Naomi's. Ex Jack Levine said "Hubba Hubba" to Alan and Naomi on the way to school and Alan wondered if Jack envied him.


The setting of Alan and Naomi is in New York in 144 during World War . Ex It rained the next day, a gloomy New York rain that turned the classroom windows into dismal gray mirrors.


Alan Alan is a main character of the story. His smart thinking and ideas helps bring Naomi to the real world. But at first he was reluctant about helping Naomi in fret of losing his only friend and embarrassment from his other school friends. As he found out more about Naomi he slowly changed his mind and willingly helps her. He can also be self centered and cranky and also a fun happy kid. Ex "I got one friend on the block, that's all. And he'll quit on me! She's a girl! And she's crazy!"

Naomi Naomi came over from Germany and is still suffering from the evil happenings of the Holocaust. She is easily frightened and is emotionally scared from her experiences. As Alan helps her she starts to become a great, funny, and fun girl to be with. Ex. "Non! Non!" Laissez-moi tranquille!"

Shaun Shaun is Alan's only friend and is sort of demanding and has his own ways of showing how he cares for Alan. He can be a nice cool kid and also has a mean and a little competitive side. Shaun is a good kid and stands up for Alan. Ex. " Wow! Hey, Al. sweetie-sweet, you got a girl friend or something?"

Joe Joe is a mean and nasty boy who is one of Alan's worst enemies. His cruel intentions and language makes him a bad and evil kid. He might have caused Naomi to go crazy again. Ex. "I hear you two are married. Is that right, Silverman? I hear you dirty Jews do all kinds of dirty things." "That's why Hitler wants to wipe you out."

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Art is Everything

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Art is Everything. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Art is Everything paper right on time.

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Art is Everything

Art and design make up a huge part of our culture. Every day thousands of commercials are aired, thousands of billboards are viewed, and millions of people are affected by some form of art. Art is everything. Whether it is a painting to or cartoon, Americans are constantly faced with art.

Coming out of college with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts and a major in graphic design, will give me a wide range of opportunities for jobs. This major covers studio art classes, like drawing and painting, and also includes many advanced computer courses that relate to design. With these computer courses, I will become familiar with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Maya. Knowledge of these programs is required for all graphic design and animation careers (hotjobs.com).

This major focuses on communication of ideas visually through the use of images and typography. By majoring in graphic design, I will most likely find a career with a large commercial firm. I would like to create advertisements for products along with their logos and promotional displays. I would be required to promote a certain product or company through the use of words, images, and brochures. I would need knowledge of product management and communication skills (hotjobs.com).

I want to work in a large city where there are more opportunities to work with larger companies. These larger companies would give me more opportunities to work with various medias, concepts, and ideas. Larger Advertising and Graphic Design firms would have a wide variety of companies to work with. These companies can range from retail to business firms.

Even though being a graphic designer would be the prime career for me, I have also considered looking into animation and illustration. This career would still primarily be based on computer graphics, but instead of communicating ideas, I as the illustrator would have to create characters to represent a certain personality. This career would also be required to have knowledge of Maya, Illustrator, and Photoshop. According to Professor Anderson, Maya is a computer program that is used by large firms today to create animations such as "Finding Nemo" and "Monster's Inc." (Anderson).

With this career, I would have a wider range of jobs that I would be given, depending on the illustration or animation. With an animation career, I would be able to work from home. This career is very flexible, and work times would vary. Working in a large city would also have its benefits here, but working through a computer in my home would be a solution.

These two careers earn from $70,000 to $5,000 a year. The salaries can differ depending on the size of the company and the demand for their products or demand for the illustration. Salaries also differ depending on the amount of experience the designer has. These careers are also based on the number of projects done. There is a higher demand for graphic designers because graphic designs covers so many areas. Companies thrive off of commercials and advertisements to promote their companies and their products.

While these two careers are different, they also can go hand in hand. With a major in graphic design, I will become familiar with computer programs that are not only used in advertising, but also in animating. I will learn how to use visuals to express what I am trying to say, and this concept goes both with design and animation.

My father's friend, Sean Klee, has a major in Graphic Design along with a minor in animation. He works with a company in Chicago that deals with the Fortune 500 businesses. Fortune 500 businesses are the top 500 businesses in profit in the nation. This company also deals with short film animation and commercials. He works with both areas, receiving a higher salary. He does have to work more hours, but he loves his job. He attended Indiana University and went to the Art Institute of Chicago for a master's in studio art. He told me that this choice in receiving his Masters was a choice that helped him get to the top of the ladder in the company's employees. With his wide range of knowledge, not only in computers, but also in the studio, he is able to create designs that involve all of these mediums and skill (Klee).

One option that I did think of was becoming a graphic designer and doing animation and illustration on the side, somewhat like Sean Klee. This would give me some flexibility with where I could live. I have also considered receiving my Master's in studio art because I have learned that this further education can give me a boost in salary and skill.

The only problem with graphic designers is that it is a very demanding career. Large cities are a must with a close living place for easy transportation to and from work. It requires much communication skills with other companies and clients. Travel could be involved, along with major deadlines. People skills are needed everyday. Knowing a language can become a plus, also. Many companies work nation and world wide.

Even though the advantages and disadvantages in both of these careers seem to be even, I am still leaning toward graphic design. Graphic Design has been an interest I have had for a long time. I love to visually express my ideas and work with people to solve the problems. I enjoy working with computers and studio art because I feel as though it is more of a love than a career. They always say to do what you love and love what you do. That is my goal in life.

Works Cited

Anderson, Scott. Personal Interview, 1 Dec. 00.

Graphic Designer. Hotjobs.com, Dec. 00.

Klee, Sean. Personal Interview. 8 Nov. 00.

Please note that this sample paper on Art is Everything is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Art is Everything, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Art is Everything will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

The Salem Witch Trials

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Salem Witch Trials. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Salem Witch Trials paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Salem Witch Trials, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Salem Witch Trials paper at

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Since there never was a spurned lover stirring up in Salem Village, and there is no evidence from the time that Tituba practiced Caribbean black magic, yet these trials and executions actually still took place, how can you explain why they occurred?

A major cause of Salem witchcraft trials was superstition, an irrational...resulting from ignorance or fear of the unknown. A lack of scientific reasoning led many people to believe that, for instance, walking under a ladder would bring seven years of bad luck. When the girls had fits of hysteria-seizures, trance like states, and sacrilegious screaming Parris called upon his colleagues to exorcise the demons that possed the girls.

Many historians today believe that relion was not the catalyst of the Salem Witchcraft Trials. They cite a series of quarrels among townspeople as the cause of the string of accusations that sent more than 00 people to jail.

Three hundred years later, it still frightens people to think that the testimones of insane girls were used to send people to the gallows. It seems impossible that fallacies could be responsible for the death of 5 people in the Salemand ten thousands elsewhere.While there were several other witchcraft trials in New England, and thousand on other continents, none have captured our morbid fear of the supernatural, as did the Salem Witchcraft Trials. It is amazing today to think of a time where people actually believed in absurd folklord such as witches flying and possessing their victims. As George Kittredge said, Our forefathers believed in witchcraft, not because they were Puritains, not because they were Colonialist, not because they were New Englanders- but because they were men of their time.

Custom writing offers papers on The Salem Witch Trials

Please note that this sample paper on The Salem Witch Trials is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Salem Witch Trials, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Salem Witch Trials will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

John Davidson Rockefeller

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on John Davidson Rockefeller. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality John Davidson Rockefeller paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in John Davidson Rockefeller, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your John Davidson Rockefeller paper at

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John D Rockefeller began as a humble oil business book-keeper in Cleveland, Ohio and in just seven years rose to control a tenth of the entire US oil business. Rockefeller was the guiding force behind the creation and development of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry and became one of the first big trusts in the United States, thus engendering much controversy and opposition regarding its business practices and form of organization. However these business practices even though they were unethical the result was what were needed in order for the American economy to be what it is now. Without people like Rockefeller we wouldn't be where we are now. He did what had to be done in order to improve the economic society. When Rockefeller was growing up he was imbedded with this mentality in his head of cheating people. His dad was already training him to become "dirty". He started teaching him his methods of business and the tricks of trade to being a successful business man. As he was growing he had a dream and he was willing to do anything to accomplish this dream. His drive to succeed was what lead him to be the notorious person he was known to be. As he grew he decided to stay away from having much of a social life because he knew it may lead to interruption of his work.

Rockefeller and his partners successfully created and applied a system for operating a large integrated enterprise which was one of the starts of the early big businesses. The main players of this business were Flagler Rockefeller and Dodd .His choice of partners was a very decisive move because each one had a certain characteristic that fit the business that Rockefeller was trying to run. There Oil Company was now considered a monopoly which is when one business rules over a certain industry. The Supreme Court deemed this to be a terrible thing they forced to Oil Company to split up into different branches. He would secretly buy up or create new oil related companies such as engineering and pipeline firms. These seemed to be independent operators. Rockefeller and his close colleagues secretly controlled the firms and gave Standard Oil, Rockefeller's main oil company, hidden rebates. This company became a monopoly by Rockefeller eliminating competition this was done because he had strategies which he acquired from his father. In order to demolish his competition he would do such things as buy them out or attempt to bargain for items and buy them for a cheap amount. They would also do things such as buying the strongest men which allow them to work faster they would get these men at any extent even if it meant getting them from there competitor. They also did things such as watch the competitor's shipments and they would be in co-operation with the railroad men in order to do this. These steps taken by Rockefeller led to our economic success as a country even though his ways may have been unorthodox however without his practices big businesses such as Microsoft would not exist today. This was also needed at the time because it was survival of the fittest and he needed to do what he had to do in order to survive.

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Please note that this sample paper on John Davidson Rockefeller is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on John Davidson Rockefeller, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on John Davidson Rockefeller will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay paper right on time.

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An Interpretation of Robert Frost's

"Nothing Gold Can Stay"

This poem by Robert Frost, like so many of his other works, uses nature as its subject. It makes good use of many literary elements like alliteration, paradox, metaphor, overstatement, and a couplet rhyme scheme. Though it is only a short, eight-line lyric poem, it carries a deep meaning. Frost describes the "subsiding" of nature's beauty, but through deeper analysis we find that the poem encourages us to enjoy all things "gold," and look ahead to the coming of brighter and fuller life.

The poem begins with a literary paradox in line one, and it's meaning can be made clear through both literal and metaphorical interpretation. "Nature's first green is gold," in a more literal sense because the pale green leaves and buds of early spring are actually a gold color, as in that of the birch tree that Frost so admired (Ferguson). In terms of the metaphor the beauty of nature's first growth is golden and precious because it lasts only a short time, and because it is as line two describes with great alliteration, "Her hardest hue to hold (Meyers)." Though this line is rather clear in that it refers to the inevitable coming of summer, the ambiguity of line one will become clearer, as the unity principle is applied with the rest of the poem.

Essay writing services for Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay papers

Line three, again, involves comparison through the use of paradox and metaphor. "Her early leaf's a flower," compares the beauty in the budding leaf of early spring to that of the recognizable beauty of a flower. Line four, using a bit of overstatement, then tells that this beauty can last, "But only so an hour," as the leaf will soon unfold leaving its precious golden color behind. "Then leaf subsides to leaf," in line five. What Frost means here is that as summer comes the early flowerlike leaf "subsides" into its true leaf form, and into comparative green dullness (Bagby). Next, line six continues the extended metaphor except this time it relates the fall of mankind in Eden to the fall of nature's most beautiful "hour." "So Eden sank to grief," in the same way that gold faded to green, and flower subsided to leaf (Ferguson).

Now as Frost reveals the final couplet we can begin to pull things together to find the poem's meaning as a whole and the message behind it. "So dawn goes down to day," is added as the last extension of the metaphor. The beauty of early spring, the purity of Eden, and the morning sunrise are all golden. They are innocent and pure, not yet tainted by leafy dullness, by man's sin, or by the ever long day to come. They are unique, precious, and limited in their duration. This is where the eighth line comes in telling us that, "Nothing gold can stay," and confirming that these golden moments will soon pass. Frost repeats the title in the last line to emphasize how temporary these moments are, and to encourage us to cherish all that is golden (Marcus).

Still we must consider Frost's specific choice in his metaphors, especially the final one. Each moment seems to be at its peak or in its "Golden Age" before there is a "subsiding" of some sort, a loss of beauty with the passing of time. For some reason though, Frost phrases them all in paradox. A leaf bud subsidies into full bloom and the flourishing of life; Eden sank to grief while humanity is saved by the messiah; dawn goes down as the sun rises into a full day of brightness and life. Frost uses the paradox to show that what might seem as a subsiding of sorts, in text and in life, may still yet lead to fuller and brighter life.

His message in this poem is to enjoy the "gold" in life, and the purity in those moments before they are inevitably overcome by time, but to also realize that the fall from theses golden times does not always mean a turn for the worse. After the "subsiding" of spring we can look to the fuller life of summer. After the passing of dawn we can look to the fuller light of day, and in keeping the unity, after the sinking of Eden we can look to the fuller life of humanity to come. The beauty of these transitory things lies mostly in that they are so temporary, and can last for only so long. Yet their passing does not mean ultimate loss because, though not as beautiful, there are equally important gains to come. While looking ahead as these pure and peaceful moments pass, enjoy all that is "gold" as it comes, because such moments are like what Frost would later give as his definition of poetry, "a momentary stay against confusion (Pritchard)."

Works Cited

Bagby, George F. Frost and the Book of Nature. Copyright 1 by the University of Tennessee Press. Modern American Poetry Online. http//www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/frost/gold.htm

Ferguson, Alfred R. Frost and the Paradox of the Fortunate Fall. Frost Centennial Essays. Copyright 17 by University Press of Mississippi. Modern American Poetry. http//www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/frost/gold.htm

Marcus, Mordecai. The Poems of Robert Frost an explication. Copyright 11 by Mordecai Marcus. Modern American Poetry. http//www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/frost/gold.htm

Meyers, Jeffrey. Robert Frost A Biography. Copyright 16 by Jeffrey Meyers. Modern American Poetry. http//www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/frost/gold.htm

Pritchard, William H. Frost A Literary Life Reconsidered. Copyright 184 by William Pritchard. Modern American Poetry. http//www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/frost/gold.htm

Please note that this sample paper on Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!