Educating Rita

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Rita, a hairdresser with a sharp personality, is married to denny, and at 6, has not even thought about starting a family of her own. She wants to discover herself- so she joins the open university. Dr. Frank Bryant is a disillusioned university professor of literature. His marriage has failed, his gorlfriend is having an affair with his best friend and he cant go through a day without downing a bottle of whisky. He refers to himself as an apauling teacher of apauling students. What Frank really needs is a challenge. . . . Along comes Rita. This is a hilarious and often moving book/film, Educating Rita tells how two people find a new lease of life through each other.

The two main characters in the book are Frank and Rita. Rita is loud and brash, yet also sensitive. Both characters display maturity but also childishness. Rita is a dynamic character who changes throughout the course of the play.

Ritas working-class personality is identified through her scourse Liverpoolian accent, her crudeness and her crass language. In their first lesson together, Rita insists on analysing a nude painting on the wall of Franks office, and uses words that are not appropriate when youve just met someone, particularly if theyre your lecturer.

The character that interests me the most in the book is Rita. This is simply because of her actions and the way she deals with situations. Rita is an interesting character who is determined to change herself for the best.

Essay Question Write about one character from the play. Write what you think makes them sympathetic. Simply write your thoughts at the moment and cite events from the play that back them up. What do you think motivates the characters to do what they do?

Essay Answer I think Frank and Rita motivate each other to do what they do.

Please note that this sample paper on "Educating Rita" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "Educating Rita", we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on "Educating Rita" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Comparison of flora on a ridge and lawn

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Table 1, the table below shows the abiotic factors for the lawn and the Ridge.

Abiotic Factor


Lawn Ridge Standard Deviation

Air Temperature (°C) 0 87 .11

Aspect ( Degrees ) 48 50 1.414

Humidity ( % ) 15.5 16 0.54

Light Intensity ( % ) 0.707

Soil Moisture 10 11 0.707

Soil Temperature (°C) 4 0.707

Wind speed ( m/s) 18 16.5 1.060

Table , the table below shows the percentage cover of plants on the lawn.


XXXX = Non- Present


1 4 5

Common Catsear Dandelion XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

Daisy XXXX 5 5 5

Grass 10 60 60 70 80

Greater Plantain XXXX XXXX

White Clover 0 15 15 10 0

Table , the table below shows the percentage cover of plants on the Ridge.


XXXX = Non- Present


1 4 5

Agrimony 10 XXXX 5 5 15

Alpine Hawkweed 10 5 10 10 5

Birds Tail Trefoil 10 XXXX 5 5 5

Creeping Buttercup 5 5 5 5 5

Daisy 5 10 10 5 15

Grass 0 40 0 0 0


Horsetail 0 40 40 40 0

Lesser Trefoil 0 15 10 5 10

Moss 40 0 40 0 5

Other Grass 0 0 5 0 5

Red Clover 15 0 15 5 55

Ribwort Plantain 5 5 0 5 0


The results above can be seen in a graphical form in the Appendix.


From the results, the conclusion can be drawn that the experiments hypothesis is correct as it stated that, the flora on the ridge would be more diverse than the flora on the lawn as succession has taken place because the land has not been cultivated. This can be seen on the graphs and tables, as they show that there are more plants on the ridge, and there is more crowding of the plants as the percentage cover is over 100%, this is because many plants grow over each other. This can be seen in the diagram below.

This is more diversity on the ridge as it is not mowed as frequently as the lawn, which is mown on a weekly basis. This effects the growth of certain plants as those which grow from the top have their growth hormones cut off and so stop growing e.g. flowers as they lose there ability to grow, but the plants which grow from the base e.g. grasses and prostrate plants only have their tops cut and so continue to grow this can be seen in the diagram.

The lawn is also used for recreational purposes and so the flora will get trampled this means only the more resistant plants such as grasses will thrive, and so lowering the diversity of plants.

The results also show that on the ridge the abundance of plants is common across each section.

From the graphs, it can also be seen that there are low percentages of grasses, which grow along the floor on the ridge, as there is more competition for floor space.

On the ridge it can also be seen that there are many different types of flora growing from trees "Hawthorn" to algae" Moss"


Overall, the experiment went well and the hypothesis was proved correct. The results followed the pattern that was expected i.e. a larger diversity of plants on the ridge. This makes it fair to say that the results are reliable and accurate to the degree of accuracy, which was needed. There were no anomalous results and so the investigation was successful. This also shows that the procedure was correct and so can be used in further experiments.

To make sure that it was a fair test the abiotic factors were measured for the lawn and the ridge to show that these factors were almost identical and so have little effect on the results. Only one individual decided on percentage cover so that the classifications of percentage cover remained constant. Most of the plants were identified, but the results may not be completely accurate as there was difficulty naming certain plants such as the grasses.

Although the experiment was correct, repeating the experiment again would also prove beneficial and it would rule out any anomalous results if they occurred and make the results more reliable. Different quadrat sizes could be used so that a larger area could be analysed and a different method of random sampling might be used so that there is less chance of repetition and more readings could be taken.

The control of other variables was not very accurate as there were many variables that were difficult to control and all of these could have affected the experiment. They were difficult to control as weather conditions are rarely the same at two locations and cannot be altered. Although there are factors involved which could have effected the conclusions the problems were not very large and so the conclusions are correct.

If further investigations are done other, variables could be used such as the effect of different soil PHs on the flora.

Limitations of the experiment are that there is not enough time to gather many results and the plots of land used were not large enough to make the results completely random and so larger plots of land need to be used.


The appendix is on the following pages.

Please note that this sample paper on Comparison of flora on a ridge and lawn is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Comparison of flora on a ridge and lawn, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Comparison of flora on a ridge and lawn will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Joan of arc

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on joan of arc. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality joan of arc paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in joan of arc, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your joan of arc paper at affordable prices !

fear is the beginning and the beginignis fear . BACKGROUND

At the time Joan was born England and France were fighting the 100 years of war.

The Frenchmen were divided and the supporters of the Orleans were fighting the Burgundians, who were in league with the English.

Henry V had just won the Battle of Agincourt and the French werent doing very well.

Born into a peasant family in a little village called Domremy in the east of France in 141.

Never learned to read or write.

At the age of 1 began to hear voices and see visions of saints Margaret, Catherine and Michael.

The saints told her to go tot he French Court and help the Dauphin Charles become King of France.

In 148, at the age of 16 she went to see Robert de Baudricourt the local Commandment to ask him to send her to the Dauphin.

In 14 she got his permission and went to see the Dauphin at Chinon.

Joan was able to convince him that God had sent her to save France.

A board of religious experts approved her claims and she was given troops to command.

. The Capture Of Orleans

The army was preparing to help Orleans, which was being besieged by the English.

The French had been waiting for the wind to change so they could send supplies up the river into the city.

As soon as Joan arrived, the wind changed and the supplies could be sent.

Joan rode into battle wearing armour and carrying a white banner.

In May 14 she inspired the French so much they captured two forts from the English.

Although she was injured she kept fighting to save Orleans from the English.


The victory at Orleans proved to be a real turning point in the 100 Years War

Joan and the army won several more battles including the battle of Patay.

Then as she said she returned to the Dauphin and marched with him across northern France, through the English armies to Rhiems for his coronation in 14.

She was given the place of honour at his side.

. Joan's Capture

In 140 Joan was captured by the Burgundians while helping to defend Compiegne.

They then sold her to the English but Charles made no effort to try and save her.

She was imprisoned and put on trial by a religious court called the Inquisition.

The English wanted to blacken her name so she would not inspire the French and hopefully they would just forget her.

So they decided to make out she was a witch so the University Of Paris declared her a witch. (No one dared try to stop the English they were to powerful)

She was questioned for 14 months in this court.

Eventually she was accused of the 1 sins including wearing men's clothes.

She was found guilty of Heresy for believing she was directly responsible to God rather than to the Roman Catholic Church.

The trial was unfair because the English had all ready bribed the judges to sentence her to death.

In 141 at the age of 1 she was burnt at the stake as a witch in Rouen.

5 years later she was made the "Maid of Orleans" and was later made a saint.


She encouraged the French.

She had the power to make them believe in Victory.

The Dauphin might never have been crowned without her efforts.

After she was killed Charles found new strength and got back all of France except Calais.

She actually convinced the French that she was sent by God therefore people were prepared to trust her.

Please note that this sample paper on joan of arc is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on joan of arc, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on joan of arc will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on thirteendays. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality thirteendays paper right on time.

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Here is a unique, second-by-second account of that crisis-told from inside, at the center of power and decision-making, by Robert Kennedy, one of its key participants. (Kennedy, on back cover) The inner story of the masterly handling of the Cuba missile crisis by one brother and is told to us by another. (pg.17) Both these men played leading parts in this drama, one as principal, the other as adjutant. (pg.17) What President John Kennedy thought and did during these fateful hours, Senator Robert Kennedy had here faithfully recorded. (pg.17) From that moment in President Kennedys office until Sunday morning, October 8, that was my life...(pg.) Robert Kennedy was very qualified to write this book since he was there as everything went on and he actually knew what had really happened.

Robert Kennedy wrote this book to let the world know that the first nuclear crisis put them all in danger and that the government was doing everything it could to protect the people and themselves. Here is real human drama-the anguish of John Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, realizing they must decide the fate of every man, woman, and child on earth...(on back cover) ...And for Americans and Russians, for the whole world it was their life as well.(p.) Also, by Robert Kennedy writing this book, he lets the world know the government did not mess around and that they got right down to business. ...The Russians were constructing a large naval shipyard and a base for submarines. This was all being watched carefully-through agents within Cuba, who were reporting the military build-up in a limiting, but frequently important way, through the questioning of refugees. Who were screened and processed as they arrived in Florida, and through U- flights.(p.5) We had to be aware of this responsibility at all times, he said, aware that we were deciding, the President was deciding, for the U.S., the Soviet Union, Turkey, NATO, and really for all mankind...(p.) But the great tragedy was that, if we erred, we erred not only for ourselves, our futures, our hopes, and our country, but for the lives, futures, hopes, and countries, of those who had never been given an opportunity to play a role, to vote aye or nay, to make themselves felt.(p.106)

Robert F. Kennedy has used power to interpret this event. That was the beginning if the Cuban missile crisis - a confrontation between two giant atomic nations, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R..(p.) We had been deceived by Khrushchev, but we had also fooled ourselves.(p.7) At first there was almost unanimous agreement that we had to attack early the next morning with bombers and fighters and destroy the SAM sites. (p.8) Because of the deception of the Soviet Union, our photographic reconnaissance planes would have to continue to fly over Cuba, and if the Cubans or Soviets shot at these planes, then we would have to shoot back.(p.107) I replied that if we had not violated Cuban air space, we would still be believing what Khrushchev had said - that there would be no missiles placed in Cuba.(p.107-8) He ordered twenty-four troop-carrier squadrons of the Air Force Reserve to active duty.(p.10) ...we were not as widely involved as we are today - but we were nevertheless a very powerful nation as are today. We could and did, in places we felt our national interests were involved (such as Latin America),impose our will by force if we believe it necessary.(p.11)

This was a very historical event and worthy of my reading time, because it kept me interested in what could have become the first nuclear war, and it showed how the government took drastic measures to protect the people of the world. ...Bringing to bear strengths of mind and character that proved decisive in resolving the worlds first greatest nuclear crisis.(on back cover) It showed how important it was to be respected around the world, how vital it was to have allies and friends.(p.10) Now, five years later, I discern a feeling of isolationism in Congress and through the country, a feeling that we are too involved with other nations, a resentment of the fact that we do not have greater support in Vietnam, an impression that our AID program is useless and our alliances dangerous.(p.10)

Essay service for your thirteendays paper

Robert Kennedy could have used idea to interpret the event. I think these few minutes were the time of gravest concern for the President. Was the world on the brink of a holocaust? Was it our error? A mistake?.(p.6) I believe our deliberations proved conclusively how important it is that the President have the recommendations and opinions of more than one individual, of more than one department, and of more than one point of view.(p.111) We had virtually unanimity at the time of the Bay of Pigs. At least, if any officials in the highest ranks of government were opposed, they did not speak out. Thereafter, I suggest there be a devils advocate to give an opposite opinion if none was pressed.(p.11) His conduct of the missiles crisis showed how important this kind of skeptical probing and questioning could be.(p.10) Had our relationship of trust and mutual respect not been present, had our NATO allies been skeptical about what we were doing and its implications for them, and had Khrushchev thus been able to split off the NATO countries or even one of our chief allies, our position would have been seriously undermined.(p.1) No one had expected or anticipated that the Russians would deploy surface-to-surface ballistic missiles in Cuba.(p.4) ...if we are going to preserve our own national security, we will need friends, we will need supporters, we will need countries that believe and respect us and will follow our leadership.

Please note that this sample paper on thirteendays is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on thirteendays, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on thirteendays will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Why we need unification, organization and supervision.

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Why we need unification, organization and supervision.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Why we need unification, organization and supervision. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Why we need unification, organization and supervision., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Why we need unification, organization and supervision. paper at

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Lord of the Flies, by William Golding is a perfect example of why people would need unification, organization and leadership while stranded without supervision. Without these qualities it is most likely that your surroundings would become very chaotic. This book shows each of these qualities and the consequences of not having that uniqueness.when lord of the flies appeared in 154 it recieved unprecedented reviews for a firt novel. Critics used such phrases as beatuifully written, tragic and provactive vivid and enthralling this beautiful and desperate book completely convincing and often very frighting its progress is magnificant like a fragment of nightmare a dizzy climax of terror the terible spell of this book. The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way toward the lagoon. though he had taken off his school sweater and trailed it now from one hand, his grey shirt stuck to him andhis hair was plastered to his forehead. all round himthe long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat. He was clambering heavily among the creepers and broken trunks when a bird, a vision of red and yellow, fashed upwards with a witch-like cry; and this cry was echoed by another. Ralph disentangled himself cautiously and stole away through the branches. In a few seconds the fat boy gruntswere behind him and he was hurring towards the screen that still lay between him and the lagoon. he climbed ovr a trunkand was out of the jungle.

Please note that this sample paper on Why we need unification, organization and supervision. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Why we need unification, organization and supervision., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Why we need unification, organization and supervision. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!