Lego: From Useful Toy to Marketing Ploy

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Lego from useful toy to marketing ploy

As a wee papoose, Lego was my toy of choice.

I could use it to entertain mates over for cordial and cookies on Sunday. I could throw it (lose it). Fire it at toy soldiers with rubber bands. And I could make stuff with it. I could create. Imagine something and build it.

The basic yellow, white, red and blue bricks presented me with possibilities out of count. The fantastic interchangeability of the pieces meant that, with my vast pile of white bricks, I could erect a country house complete with gables and garden. If that got boring, the house could be dismantled and the same white bricks used to build a boat. Or a castle. Or an ice cream truck. My imagination was the limit. Legos only flaw was a rather meagre selection of brick colours. Nevertheless, Legos brilliant simplicity gave me, and millions of others, years of entertaining creative exercise. Lego was undoubtedly the most constructive thing to let slip from limp-wristed Scandinavia since Gustavus Adolphus.

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0s Lego is different. Now the bricks are much more specific and less interchangeable and versatile. The sets are not comprised so much from basic pieces as from gimmicky odds and sods like monkeys, rafts, palm trees, and readymade castles. Lego is now less the brick than the meticulously designed and marketed fantasy world.

So what? Whats wrong with that? In and of itself, nothing. But in those times before the Nowadays, the child was the creative genius of his own world. With really only basic building bricks (plus a tad extra), he was left to do as he pictured in his mind. The creative genius of his world now pockets $40k+pa and is labelled a product designer (really just big kids dictating their imagination to littler kids).

Still you say, Whoopty-poop. Whats the big deal? Your childs imagination is not being as vigorously exercised as it once was, thats what. Why is that important? Because in Genesis 11 In the beginning, God created . . . Gods first action was one of creativity and imagination. Your child is made in His image. Imagination and creativity is one of his or hers greatest gifts. We should ensure it is exercised. And Lego, exemplifying most kid's toys, isn't exercising it the way a toy should.

Im sure its not some sinister plot of Legos to dull your rugrats mind till theyve got the creative flair of a wet sock. Im sure its just a cunning plan devised by Danish marketing executives. They know, like the Yanks, that the quality and usefulness of their goods are subordinate to the artifice of their display. They know that society, sloshed on the tap of running laughter, must be entertained and dazzled. They know, too, that you dont sell a good, you sell an image. All marketers worth their salt have that one down pat. In short, it is the triumph of form over content.

Am I just an aging grump griping about how the way things were was so much better than the way things are now? Maybe. But then, at least Im imagining things.

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Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald paper at

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Evil and Hypocrisy An Analysis of "Seeking Forgiveness" by Jay Carraway

In "Seeking Forgiveness", a story of a young boy who struggles with guilt in a catholic society, Carraway explores many ideas and themes. However, the two that seem to be the most prevalent are the predominance of evil and the hypocrisy that exists in authority figures.

Throughout the story many references are made to imply that evil is everywhere and avoiding it is seemingly impossible. It seems to be suggested that no matter how much one tries to do the right thing, or how innocent the intentions of a particular act, evil will creep its way into the proceedings and take over the outcome causing pain and guilt. This is definitely apparent in the case of Rudolph Miller. After much coercion from his father, Rudolph goes to church to take part in the sacrament of confession. While his intentions are innocent and sincere, the outcome takes a wicked twist when he ends the session with a boastful comment about never telling lies. The creeping in of this innocent comment in the confessional booth causes what should have been a cleansing experience to become an event that results in much guilt and anguish for the boy. In the end the boy finally realizes this simple fact that evil is unavoidable at his visit with the priest. While trying to seek forgiveness by talking to the priest the boy is shocked to discover that the priest is perhaps more troubled by guilt than he has been. This causes Rudolph to realize that "apostasy implies an absolute damnation only on the supposition of a previous perfect faith" or in other words, no one has a perfect faith so he should find comfort in the fact that he is not alone in the sea of evil.

Father Schwartz is clearly another character who struggles with evil, however, he recognizes its constant presence from the beginning of the story, and expresses this truth in the end when visiting with Rudolph Miller. It is clear that through this character, Carraway sends one simple message; evil is unavoidable. Throughout the story he shows the priest constantly trying to avoid any enjoyable contact with the outside world because he knows that "when a lot of people get together in the best places, things go glimmering." By this statement Carraway seems to imply that the only way to avoid evil would be to avoid all the things that surround us every day of our lives, and since this is not possible, evil is unavoidable. The priest, however, tries to accomplish this task by walking on the other side of the street to avoid the pleasantries of Romberg's Drug Store, and by trying not to notice the Swede girls outside his window whose tempting laughter cause him guilt (apparently due to impure thoughts). In the end, however, he recognizes the fact that even something as innocent as an amusement park contains evil qualities if one gets too close.

Another theme that Carraway explores throughout the story is the hypocrisy that exists in authority figures. This is seen most clearly by the events that occur with Rudolph's father as well as Father Schwartz. When Rudolph decides to drink water to prevent going to communion and his father, catching him in the act, beats him for his carelessness, both Rudolph and his father had lost their tempers. However, when they arrived at church, his father did not lead by example, but instead made Rudolph go to confession alone to ask for forgiveness for his temper earlier that morning. Parents often fall into these hypocritical practices by making their children pay the consequences for their actions, while ignoring the fact that they too are guilty of the same misconduct. In Rudolph's case he recognizes the faults of his father, and even confesses that he has thought of himself as too good for his parents on occasion. The Catholic Church is also portrayed as an institution full of hypocrisy in Carraway's story. While the citizens of the town keep pouring in to confess their sins to their holy priest, the priest is preoccupied with his own guilt and concerns. Father Schwartz, though a dedicated man of God, struggles constantly with his own sin and even has trouble maintaining "a complete mystical union with our Lord." During his meeting with Rudolph Miller, Carraway even goes as far as to describe his rosary beads as "crawling and squirming like snakes upon the green felt of his table top." This is clearly a satanic reference by which Carraway is trying to convey the hypocrisy that exists in the Catholic Church. Here we have a man in a holy position whose job is to grant forgiveness and comfort by guiding his congregation away from their own sin, yet he cannot even keep control of his own sinful thoughts.

It is clear that there are several important messages that Carraway is attempting to portray through his short story, "Seeking Forgiveness". However, the predominance of an unavoidable evil as well as the hypocrisy that exists in many figures of authority seem to be the major themes throughout the story. It is also evident, by Carraway's depiction of Rudolph and Father Schwartz, that in all aspects of life, especially in the Catholic Church, "things go glimmering".

Please note that this sample paper on Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Evil and Hipocracy: An analysis of "Absolution" by F. Scott Fitzgerald will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

The Night of the Long Knives

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Night of the Long Knives. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Night of the Long Knives paper right on time.

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The SA were a group of German militia called the "Storm Troopers", who were formed in 11 by Adolf Hitler. By 10, Hitler wanted to try to obtain power through normal elections using his new phrase; evolution, not revolution. The behavior of the SA was now an embarrassment. To keep the SA in line, Hitler appointed his old friend and fellow Nazi, Ernst Rohm as leader in January 11. The SS (also known as the "body guard") were a small and elite bodyguard for Hitler. The SS numbered 5,000 men compared to nearly ,000,000 Storm Troopers. The SA consisted of 10 times the number of men as the regular army.

On the 0th of June 14, Hitler radioed the codeword Kolibri (meaning Hummingbird) to Berlin. This signaled the go-ahead for the SS to attack and demolish the SA in an event they called "The Night of the Long Knives". During this night they were to quietly assassinate the SA using knives, which Hitler had engraved "A heartfelt Thanks". Hitler ordered this attack for many reasons, the main being the SA were too violent. Other reasons consisted of the SA becoming too large, wanting to join the army (because they felt there were not given enough respect as Storm Troopers), plus Rohm, the leader of the SA, called Hitler an "ignorant world war corporal", which Hitler took as a direct insult.

The main reason for the destruction of the Storm Troopers however, was Hitler's change of direction. Adolf Hitler now believed that he could seize territorial power quickly, and more intelligently using a new way of thinking; "evolution, not revolution". This was a great contrast compared his past ideas and now gave him the image of a "Hypocrite".

Write a research paper on The Night of the Long Knives

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Doubting reality

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Doubting reality. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Doubting reality paper right on time.

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Doubting reality

This essay aims to find what ways there are to doubt reality, what reasons to doubt that the things that lay around us, the empirical objects, actually exist.

Not all our warranted beliefs can be justified by inference from others, there must be some foundation of truth that we are flatly given. Our knowledge of the world generally relies on experience, our sensory perceptions of things that we have seen, heard which are then logged in our memory for future reference. It is with these reports of experience that we create a foundation for knowledge. I am going to present reasons for which we can doubt this foundation for knowledge, why the empirical way of gaining knowledge can often be fallible.

One way that we gain knowledge is to test our beliefs against experience. If you are told that something exists, one tests this belief against what we have experienced previously in order to validate that something is true. A simple example is if you are told that there are goldfish in a pond, you can then use your experience of goldfish and ponds to validate that it is likely that there are goldfish in a pond. However, as we know the human mind can easily be fooled, when a magician shows us that he can levitate, our reports of experience tell us that this cannot be true as we have learned the rules of gravity etc but our sensory perceptions deceive us, how can we know which is true, the magician is not levitating and we are fooled by our senses or that he is levitating and our reports of experience are false.

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We can assume that our experience can be described in words, this is a reasonably harmless assumption, but nonetheless crucial, our experiences are private and can only be described with words (or gestures), and we must be able to, in principle, describe our own experiences correctly and independently of how others see theirs. We all have our own colour sensations for example, you can separate colours for yourself without knowing the public name and could give each colour a private name. It is when you learn the public name and use that when we can link our private experiences of a colour together. However this public name only succeeds in linking our private sensations together, there is no guarantee that although we are linking our experiences together we are having the same experience or sensation. There is no way of climbing into someone's head and experiencing the same experience that they have. So, on this premise it is in fact possible that everybody could be having a different experience of the world. If no-one is having the same experience how can we be sure that what we are seeing is the truth other peoples experiences could be the truth and ours just a perceptions, but since we cannot go in to each others heads and compare experience it is difficult to know. Suppose two people each have a spider that they keep in a box and don't let anyone see. Each can still describe their spider and they can compare notes because there are spiders and other things in the world that they can compare them to. Then suppose that all spiders live in boxes that only the owner can see inside, the people can still describe their spiders but only with words borrowed from things that do not live in boxes. Now suppose that all descriptive words in our language are ultimately terms for things in boxes, in other words that there was no going language to borrow from. Now neither person can be sure what the other is saying about their spider. In fact they cannot be sure that they both have spiders as there is no way to find similarities between them, it could be that neither of them have spiders. It is unclear even whether the spiders exist, as there is no report experience of spiders to validate it. One could also consider the mind as one of those boxes. No one can see inside it except for the owner, and since they cannot compare what they experience to other people how can they be sure that what they perceive is even real. If you see a table, you compare it to tables you have seen before in order to recognize it as a table and what people have told you is a table. But suppose other people perceive the table differently, perhaps top them it is a different texture, colour and shape, so, which is the real table, the one you see or the one they see, or perhaps neither. Perhaps there is no table and only our minds telling us that there is one, we've already established that the mind can easily be deceived, mirages for example, one believes that there is something there when there actually isn't. There is another argument to doubt reality, the matrix theory, that in fact what we perceive is controlled by something/someone else, making us believe that what we are seeing is real. Scientists argue that they have uncovered proof against this however, who is to say that the laws etc that they have discovered are simple devices of the matrix to deceive us. It is even argued that perhaps there is not even a matrix but that our minds are all simply subjective and that everything that we perceive is simply created by our own brains, this is known as solipsism. Of course there are flaws in all these theories, but then there are flaws in empiricism, the amount of reports of miracles and the supernatural cannot be ignored. The truth is it is very difficult to tell and many people find it easier to take the simplest answer first (a method known as Occams Razor) which is that everything is real and we all perceive things in the same way as it allows them feel more secure about their surroundings.

Please note that this sample paper on Doubting reality is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Doubting reality, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Doubting reality will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

It's Amazing

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on It's Amazing. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality It's Amazing paper right on time.

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September eleventh, 2001 was a nightmare. September twelfth was a rude awakening to reality. Even now, there has not been a day that has gone by where someone hasn't stopped whatever they were doing and thought deeply about the nation's situation.

It's simply amazing that a nation can endure such horror. Certainly no one, single, solitary person could withstand something of this extreme. And how could any other nation possibly hold together after an attack like this? It seems like a miracle, but we have gotten through it. Understandably, this nation is truly changed forever.

Many say that the nation has changed, that nobody will ever feel safe again; or that they feel danger lurking in every trip made to a major landmark. They claim that no flight could ever be secure again and that terrorism and copycat acts will plague the nation. They seem to all imply that everyone is doomed, be it from anthrax or airline hijackings, and there's no way out of the predicament caused by a hatred for our country.

Stop what you are doing right now, and think about this: Our nation is changed forever, but in ways not so clear to some people. For instance, this nation is more united than ever. From September eleventh and on, we saw one of the most criticized cities in the world come together. We saw every race, religion, and ethnic background form one group, a group of proud Americans. Nobody is doomed here. Nobody is alone here. Everyone is American here. And possibly now, more than ever, others will continue to hate us. If they choose to hate us for our unity, our freedom, and our super-human ability to not only remain strong but also remain united, then let them. America was, is and always will be a proud and united nation.

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Thank God some things never change.

Please note that this sample paper on It's Amazing is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on It's Amazing, we are here to assist you. Your custom paper on It's Amazing will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!