The Sword and The Stone Leadership Essay

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"A leader must be able to envision the end result of the policies or methods he advocates"


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Don't know how to be a leader? Well you must be self-confident, know men, make your own decisions, ambitious, originates own methods, enjoys commanding others, motivated by personal considerations, and independent. In The Sword and the Stone, Merlyn is a great leader. He is the bravest person I heard of. Also in The Sword and the Stone, Merlyn is a really important character.

Merlyn is brave, self-confident, and knows men. He is brave because he never was afraid to change the Wart into animals. He asks the Wart if he is ready to go on adventures. If he were, he would turn him into whatever he wants to be. Merlyn lives a life in which he knows the future. He knows what's going to happen to the Wart. In the book it says that Merlyn asks the Wart if he is ready before the Wart went on any expedition. Merlyn has faith in the Wart. He is brave enough to depend on the Wart through these many dangers. Merlyn is brave enough to let the Wart be turned into animals. The Wart might have died during these dangerous adventures, but still Merlyn is brave enough to lead the Wart to these dangerous places.

Merlyn is also self-confident because he has confidence in the Wart. He knew when the Wart was ready. He led the Wart to the right decisions. Without confidence he wouldn't have been able to take the Wart to the various places that he went on. Merlyn would have been afraid to send the Wart to these places if he didn't have confidence. He wouldn't have helped the Wart with his jousting, sword fights, hunting, and much more. He is confident that the Wart could make it this far. He wouldn't have let the Wart go to see Sir Grummore Grummonson and King Pellinore sword fight if he knew that the Wart wasn't ready for it.

Merlyn knows men. He knows how to interact with other people. He knows how people were since he knows the future. He has to know the animals and the people in order to take the Wart to so many places. It could have been dangerous for the Wart if Merlyn didn't know men and the animals that he interacted with. Merlyn wouldn't be a good and safe leader if he didn't know men and the animals. He would always be getting the Wart into danger. It never says in the book that the Wart has gotten into danger or any trouble. Merlyn also knows the future. He would know if the Wart got into danger or not. Merlyn had taken the Wart into many dangerous adventures, but Merlyn knows that the Wart wasn't going to die. He has to take the Wart on dangerous adventures in order for the Wart to be brave to turn into a knight. Merlyn was a good leader to the Wart by showing him the dangers and joy of being a warrior/knight.

The Sword and the Stone gave you an ideal of leadership. Merlyn was a wonderful leader. Merlyn was a good leader because he sent the Wart on dangerous adventures. In order to be a leader one must be brave. Just like Merlyn was brave. If Merlyn wasn't brave throughout the book, then the Wart could have gotten killed. Merlyn was a brave and courageous leader.

Please note that this sample paper on The Sword and The Stone Leadership Essay is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Sword and The Stone Leadership Essay, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on The Sword and The Stone Leadership Essay will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Importance of TeamWork

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My most significant experience in working as a part of team occurred when I was a team member of a project for American Stock Exchange. Our team included two members senior to me in grade and experience. Considering my technical capabilities I was assigned the task of improving the performance of our application. I did lot of modification to the modules developed by other members without consulting them. This resulted in knowledge, control & personality clash. Subsequently, to avoid such situations, I always presented my analysis and solution to all the team members with as much information as possible and developed a consensus before forging ahead.

Being part of a project for Bank Of America, I learnt how detrimental can a team members attitude be for a team and how important it is to have open communication and respect/understand each others differences in resolving all kind of conflicts. One of our team member had an 'Who cares' attitude as he very well knew that if anything goes wrong, the whole team will be held responsible and that with this fear other members will make sure that everything is fine.This attitude not only put extra burden on other team members to complete the tasks, but also raised questions in others as 'Why should we work, when he doesn't'. It became very critical to change his attitude. To resolve the issues, I started formally circulating the tasks & responsibilities of each member, with each task having time line and degree of quality to be achieved. This ensured greater level of accountability, awakening him that he cannot escape his tasks.

One of the enduring lessons that I have learnt during teamwork is, how to deal with conflict/differences among team members. In teamwork, quite often I have come across key issues/problems which are viewed from different perspective by team members. Understanding/acknowledging the differences, discussing alternative solutions and their consequences, collaboratively finding the best solution is the ideal way to deal with conflict.

Please note that this sample paper on Importance of TeamWork is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Importance of TeamWork, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Importance of TeamWork will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Women and sports

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on women and sports. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality women and sports paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in women and sports, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your women and sports paper at affordable prices !

Women today have made a remarkable leap in the gender gap of the athletic world. The percentage of female athletes in high school and college has skyrocketed compared to the participation levels of previous generations. The passing of Title IX, a federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in federally-funded education, including athletics, was one of the largest steps made for the female race. But has gender equity truly been obtained? Despite the laws and guidelines that have been set, the financial sustenance for women's sports is not, and may never be, completely equal. This lack of support is most crucial at younger ages, when girls are developing the physical and social skills they will carry with them throughout adulthood. Women's high school sports do not receive the amount of funds and support given to men, causing biased and unjust athletic programs in the school systems of America.

Young women gain and learn so much from participating in athletics that they cannot get anywhere else. If they are not receiving the opportunities they should be given during high school, think of the immense amount they are missing out on. A study by the Department of Education shows that the percentage of high school girl sophomores who participate in athletic teams has actually declined from 180 to 10. In 180, 46% of tenth grade girls were members of interscholastic or intramural athletic teams, but only 41% in 10. The percentage of boys who participated in athletics remained steady at 6%. (Empowering Women in Sports). This is a large problem in a society that claims to be striving towards equality for race and gender. It is an issue that both women and men should be concerned about. Although men may not be directly affected, their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters are. Wouldn't you want them exposed to the same opportunities you were given? What if your daughter could be the next Lisa Leslie, but missed out on the chance because the funding her basketball program received was below par? If young women are not given a fair opportunity in high school, they lose the chance of performing at their full potential due to poor coaching and equipment. This creates a chain reaction, and opportunities for college scholarships and other rewards are greatly reduced.

There are multiple benefits young women can gain from being involved in sports. There is, of course, the obvious reason that sports will help young women to remain physically sound and in healthy shape. A 181 study conducted at Harvards Graduate School of Public Health, under Dr. Rose Frisch, showed that young women who participated in high school or college sports were significantly less likely to contract breast cancer and other reproductive cancers (Empowering Women in Sports). Sports also confer academic benefits. High school girls (and boys) who participate in sports tend to have higher grades than non-athletes. In addition, a larger percentage of athletes scored in the top quartile on a standardized test (Jackson 11-115). On a social level, being a member of a team creates special bonds and close friends. The girls also demonstrate cooperation and teamwork as they strive for a common goal. They are taught the true meanings of commitment and responsibility. Pride is gained in accomplishments, while they are taught to toughen in situations of defeat and disappointment. All of these examples are opportunities young women will miss out on if they are not provided with proper funds for athletics. That is a lot to take away just because they do not make quite as much money for the school as the football team.

One may argue that women's sports do not generate enough revenue to receive the same amount of funding as men's sports in high school. This is an unfair stereotype that cannot be used to represent all high school sports. My sophomore year, for example, we made it to the State Tournament for fast-pitch softball. The tournament took place during the last week of school, when final exams were held. Despite this conflict, over half the students and faculty managed to purchase tickets and make it to our games. Many teachers held their exams early, so that they and their students could attend. The stands were overflowing with parents, peers and teachers providing their support. That same year, our football team had a losing record and did not make it past sectionals in the tournament. The homecoming game was the only sellout, more due to the tradition than the talent of the team. True, this is only one particular example, but it is an instance that breaks the usual stereotypes made regarding male and female athletics. Even in the situations where men's sports do generate more revenue, however, it is still unethical to provide them with more funding than women's sports. According to Title IX, we are required to have gender equity in sports, which includes funding as well as equal opportunities. This means, whether the athletic directors across the nation agree or not, it is required by law to treat male and female athletes equally, even in high school. A quote by Kathryn Reith, a former assistant executive director of the Womens Sports Foundation states, Were still working within a rule and a culture of sport that has been set up on a male model. Were judging it on that male model. When people say girls are not as interested in sports and intramurals as boys, youre looking at their reaction to a structure of sports set up on a male model of sports they may or may not be comfortable with. (ESPN)

It is frustrating to think that, despite the strides women have made in athletics, we are continuing to be deprived of our basic rights. Women deserve the same funds as do men, and it has nothing to do with who generates more revenue. It is an issue of moral rights, and providing our youth with the opportunities they need for success. Women are just as worthy of equal treatment in athletics, and it is a flaw in our society that needs to be examined, taken seriously, and eventually mended.

Please note that this sample paper on women and sports is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on women and sports, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on women and sports will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Songs Related With Fahrenheit 451

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Songs Related With Fahrenheit 451. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Songs Related With Fahrenheit 451 paper right on time.

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This song relates a lot to Mildred and her life. In the first verse, it says, "She's lost in coma where it's beautiful. Intoxicated from the deep sleep, deep sleep. Do you wonder what it's like Living in a permanent imagination, sleeping to escape reality, but you like it like that." Mildred is obsessed with her "parlor walls" and her "family." They are her life, and she seems happy because they are happy. It's all fake, but it's real in her mind and she is depressed that her family will be burned down, instead of being sad that her husband will be put into an asylum. Mildred's life is fiction; she has no purpose or goal in life. She will not have affected anyone's life. "Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said…Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you're there"(156). No one will remember Mildred when she dies because she never did anything significant in her life besides watch TV. "She dreams in digital 'Cause it's better than nothing." from the song She lives a life without any purpose, and the only thing that she can do is watch TV, because there are no books.

This song relates to Beatty and the other firemen and their role in the world. They "protect" the world from books with fire, "Jesus blessed me with its future And I protect it with fire." Beatty knows the truth about books, but he still fights them. "The lie is my expense." The reason that they keep books away from society is so that they don't get their own ideas and the government has full control over everyone. "I'm deep inside your children they'll betray you in my name." The children are raised to believe that books are evil, so they stay focused on the parlor walls and live an aimless life. This song relates to how Montag feels about Mildred. It starts, "I'm looking through you Where did you go I thought I knew you What did I know you don't look different But you have changed." Montag felt that he knew and loved Mildred, but in the end, when he realizes that the war may take Mildred's life, he says, "Even if she dies…I don't think I'll feel sad" (155). He sees that Mildred and he are just two people who live together and are called husband and wife, but they really have no relationship. The first verse in this song talks about the emptiness that Montag feels. He realizes that people now days have no feeling or emotion. They are only into their "parlor walls." He sees that Clarisse is lucky because she isn't empty, she has a family who truly loves her and they live life to its fullest. Their house is the only house that has lights. All of the other houses are empty and dark. The second verse talks about drugs and why people take them. Mildred must have taken drugs because she wanted something to ease her pain. She was depressed and took the drugs thinking they will make her feel better. The song also relates to the men who came and gave Mildred new blood. They don't even know her, they are total strangers. It's like routine for them to come and clean people's blood; it's not a big deal. It just shows how empty and emotionless the world has become.

Cheap college papers on Songs Related With Fahrenheit 451

Please note that this sample paper on Songs Related With Fahrenheit 451 is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Songs Related With Fahrenheit 451, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Songs Related With Fahrenheit 451 will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

History 12 essay

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on history 12 essay. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality history 12 essay paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in history 12 essay, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your history 12 essay paper at affordable prices with essay writing service!

Mock Essay

Stability and prosperity is essential for any nation to function in an ordinary and progressive fashion in any modern society. Indeed, there were many instances throughout the twentieth century where a nation¡¦s political stability would determine whether it would deteriorate or thrive onwards. Should the instability of a nation rise to such an extreme level where it was considered intolerable by the average citizen, revolution or the reforming of that nation¡¦s government would usually follow. Russia was one such example where revolution did occur in both 105 and 117. Another instance where the rule of a government was shifted was in the immediate post-war of World War One with the Weimar Republic. In 14, due to poverty in China, Mao had risen to power and formed a communist government, which had survived for many years to come.

The revolution in Russia during 105 was due mainly to economic instability. Due to the Russo-Japanese defeat of 104-105, the Russian government was utterly humiliated and had lost most of its prestige. This however, came as an opportunity for the Russian radicals. In January , 105 a large general strike had emerged where petitions were made to the Czar for higher wages and free elections. Nothing ever came out of this put a blood bath where many civilians were killed. In March 117 another revolution known as the ¡§Democratic Revolution¡¨ had occurred. This happened as a result of food shortages and faulty distribution of wealth and land. After the first revolution of 117 a provisional government is formed, however, it choose to remain in the war and therefore it became unpopular among civilians; because the provisional government was more interested in politics then it was in finding food and fuel. While this was happening, Lenin and his Bolshevik Party grew and popularity with the promise of bread, land, and peace. This led to the Second Revolution of 117 and the beginning of Lenin¡¦s communist rule.

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Please note that this sample paper on history 12 essay is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on history 12 essay, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on history 12 essay will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment from essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!