Definition of Pleasure

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I discovered what pleasure truly meant one spring in San Francisco. It was a sunny, yet cool afternoon in May. I was in town for a week on business, but somehow I managed to slip away from work at lunchtime that day. I meandered through the city on foot and ended up at a park just past the Fisherman's Wharf district. As I looked upon the bay, my line of sight had the perfect picture framed. I was looking directly at the rolling hills to the north, the Golden Gate Bridge was on the extreme left, and Alcatraz was on the extreme right. The world stopped and for the next five minutes, I sat in a blissful trance enjoying the perfect weather and beautiful scenery. I was experiencing a pure state of pleasure.

Pleasure is something that most humans try to achieve on a daily basis. Pleasure is defined as the gratification of the senses or of the mind; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying. ( It is also opposite of pain and sorrow; something that almost all humans avoid at all costs.

The process of achieving and maintaining pleasure is a topic that has been debated for over two millennia. Epicurus of Samos, a prominent Greek philosopher, believed that pleasure is not attained by uncontrolled indulgence, but instead by avoiding pain and moderating one's desires. "The magnitude of pleasure reaches its limit in the removal of all pain. When such pleasure is present, so long as it is uninterrupted, there is no pain either of body or of mind or of both together." (Gill) Being able to experience enough pleasure to remove all physical and emotional pain for longer than a few brief moments seems like a pretty lofty goal, but it serves to define to upper limit of pleasure. There is a theoretical maximum amount of pleasure that one person can experience.

If desires are not moderated, and we try to increase our pleasure beyond the point of maximum intensity, then pain can result. "It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and honorably and justly, and it is impossible to live wisely and honorably and justly without living pleasantly. Whenever any one of these is lacking, when, for instance, the man is not able to live wisely, though he lives honorably and justly, it is impossible for him to live a pleasant life." (Gill) Mother Nature keeps everything in our world in a delicate balance. Since humans are live in nature's world, we must keep our emotions and desires in balance to experience the most pleasurable life that the world has to offer. The goal is to enjoy everything in moderation.

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People can experience physical pleasure and emotional pleasure. Physical pleasure comes from eating a satisfying meal, getting a massage, or taking a walk in the park. The amount of pleasure experienced is usually greater when the activity has not been preformed recently. For example, a supper tastes better and pleases you more when you have not eaten all day. Emotional pleasure is a little more complicated. Emotional needs are not necessarily greater based on a lack of emotional interaction. An emotional need can be triggered by reading an old love letter, hearing a song that reminds you of an old friend, or looking at a picture of your mother. Also, it is harder for somebody to over-pleasure himself or herself emotionally than it is physically. While it is possible to get too much affection from a loved one, it is always much easier to overindulge on birthday cake and get a stomachache.

We live in a balanced world. Many times, feelings of pleasure that we experience are countered by feelings of displeasure or pain. The pleasure of spending all afternoon swimming is often accompanied by the displeasure of sunburn. The physical pain of childbirth accompanies the pleasure of bringing a new life into the world. The pleasure of seeing children go to prestigious universities is shadowed by the sadness of the parents living alone again. As responsible people, we look at the price that must be paid and decide if the pleasure is worth it or not. In the case of the swimming and sunburn example, most people will make the wise decision and limit the amount of pleasure that they experience to minimize the discomfort that they will go through for the next week. In the case of the children and parent examples, most people happily accept the pain and continue life.

Pleasure is what helps keep a person living their life. If humans never experienced pleasure, what would be the purpose of living? As a race, we would have a miserable, hopeless life. There would be no motivation for bettering ourselves. There would be no recreational activities. We would have no loved ones. Our population growth would be considerably slower. Pleasure is one of the roots of our civilization and society.

The feeling of pleasure is not exclusive to people. Dogs, cats, and other animals show happiness and ultimately pleasure when they experience the same types of physical and emotion interactions as humans. A dog happily wags its tail when its human companion comes home after being at work all day. Another dog might drool and beg when presented with the possibility of eating a juicy steak. We may not be able to ask a dog if they experience pleasure, but they certainly exhibit symptoms of it.

To put it quite simply, pleasure is a combination of happiness and an absence of pain. Everybody has experienced pleasure at least once in their life, but more than likely everybody experiences pleasure regularly. Pleasure is unique because it is one of the rare things in this world that everybody can achieve, no matter what station they hold in life. Pleasure keeps us from going insane and it keeps us striving to lead better lives. Pleasure is one of the core elements of living a healthy human life.

Gill, N.S.. Epicurus and His Philosophy of Pleasure. 10 June 00. http//

Please note that this sample paper on Definition of Pleasure is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Definition of Pleasure, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Definition of Pleasure will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "Assimilation". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "Assimilation" paper right on time.

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In Amado Muro's Cecilia Rosas, Senorita Cecilia Rosas shows actions of assimilation that are similar to the ones of today's immigrants. She is a woman who prides herself on being an American. In doing so she pushed away her fellow Mexican girlfriends. She is an example of how immigrants, boys and girls alike, try to fit in by ridding themselves of their culture and assuming an American style and attitude.

Ridding themselves of their accents and changing the way they dress is a way women try to fit in. Speaking with an accent is like telling everyone their immigrant status. To eliminate their accent, they, like Amado, attempts to speak none of their native tongue and practice only their English. They also dress like a typical "American" girl to disposing of their non-American style clothing. By doing all this, they at least sound and look American, and not stand out like a sore thumb.

In the process of assimilation, women shed their culture and take on the casual attitude of America. They want to act and be like everyone else. They are embarrassed by how people would look at them because of the cultural differences. They change the food they eat in case the smell or look or taste of their accustomed food shock others. They switch the songs they use to like to the popular pop songs heard on the radio. They twist themselves into becoming what they see around them. Wanting to change other's perceptions of them as immigrants, they also try for a higher education and a nicer residential area to to live. By molding themselves into another typical joe, they cast ways their culture and character.

Immigrants do not want to stand out and be different. They want to have a normal life like everyone else. The women go all out to change their image. Embarrassed by their on-American wars, they try to get rid of their accent and change their clothing and food. To be American is to be normal. During this molding process, their culture is shoved away. They become another typical woman walking on the street. Women go to all extent to become who they are not to fit in.

Please note that this sample paper on "Assimilation" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "Assimilation", we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on "Assimilation" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Beeing there

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Beeing there. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Beeing there paper right on time.

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Being there

-by Jerzy Kosinski-

1; As the name, says Mr. Chance was born by chance. The only thing the mother left this orphan was her insanity. Like open-hearted children during their upbringing he has yet to develop a genuine identity. By twisting the dial of the remote control he is capable of entering a new phase, and simultaneously changing himself. This have resulted in an insensitive person incapable of showing true emotions, because he has never received love, but only limited amounts of amicability. Only when wandering admits trees, flowers and bushes he is showing rare signs of painstaking affection.

Kept in complete isolation Mr. Chance has become a person, which to the unwary might appear like mindless and jejune. He has accepted the strains put upon his life without protesting. A combination of frugal habits and a lack of curiosity has kept him from exploring the unknown, and has left him isolated in body and soul. A universe consisting of thoughts strange to the common man exists inside his head. Despite being mentally retarded and an alliterate he is both pensive and intelligent. Though being able to distinguish humans from plants by the difference in appearance he draws clever and revealing, although unintended, parallels between the two lifeforms. Some might consider him peace-loving and gentle, but one must remember that peace is all he knows. Mr. Chance lives in the present never worrying about neither the past nor the future. Bearing in mind that he is a creature of habit he leaves his fostering home and his garden behind with surprising calmness. As always just following the flow of events.

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Television has come to play an unprecedented important role in Mr. Chances' everyday life. In his lonely world, where one has to be seen to even exist, the screen supplies him with knowledge of the outside world. Apart from adding pastime from a scene that keeps repeating itself the television has learned Mr. Chance how to behave in certain situations. By using his facial expression he feigns the feeling he finds to be appropriate. The bottom line is that the television simply defines his reality, because he lacks the ability for separate and distinguish fiction from reality. That his reality is only a false and superficial version of our is quite a different matter.

2; We only hear him mentioned as "The Old Man". The "name" itself reveals a quite comprehensive and substantial amount of information on this faceless person, and the relationship between Mr. Chance and himself. "The Old Man" is an insensitive superficial and alienating designation lacking even the smallest sign of affection. Though being able to learn and remember the names of other characters in the novel Mr. Chance has never acquired that of The Old Man. This warder has kept Mr. Chance isolated from the life outside the high brick walls, with all its dangers and pleasures. Through threatening him with a life in oblivion on a mental institution this warder furthermore kept sure that he would never leave the complex. By forcing a vast number of rules and prohibitions upon him, The Old Man has created a human robot. This android follows his every instruction, and by exploiting it he is provided with cheap labour. The only expense is food and shelter. A prison-like shelter.

3; One could defend comparing Chances' departure from the garden to the biblical narrative dealing with The Garden of Eden. This notion would have Mr. Chance performing in the role as Adam. An interesting perspective. Forced to abandon his protective home to enter a complicated and menacing universe, of which he only has a faint impression, one would reason that he was likely to perish. As this would indeed leave us with quite a short book, it is maybe not as likely as first assumed.

In allowing myself to draw yet another comparison, I would accentuate the parallels between Mr. Chance and Oliver Twist. Both were orphans, raised in a strict environment, which they sooner left. Both ended up in the house of wealthy, influential, upper-class benefactors. And I predict that Mr. Chance will keep heading upwards. Apart from being fashionable, charming in his own sense, direct yet polite, eloquent, quite handsome and in the eyes of many, not including himself, amusing he possess sexual appeal, which will definitely help him on his way. Where this way will lead him only time and further reading will reveal.

All of the above was written prior to reading chapter four

4; In our culture it is customary to sympathize with people, whom by starting from ground zero and therefrom working their through the layers of our society, finally reaches the ultimate recognition. We define their eventful experiences as fairytales. And a fairytale is just what this novel is beginning to look like. It is a bad kept secret that fairytales are aimed at children, and without being over-modest I would allow myself to claim that I have left the stage of childhood. Sure, the idea of a man unknown to the world hurled into a world unknown to him possess fascinating elements, but with a plot as unrealistic and saccharine as in this instance, I find myself losing interest. My concern further extends to the rapid progression of the story. If the tempo does not slow down it will end before even really starting. In the same breath as I accentuate the, in my opinion, apparent drawbacks I will however take up a defending standpoint. After all I am no only negatively disposed. Among other things the language of the text is worth paying attention to. It is very accessible and it does not consist of an exaggerated amount of foreign words, or word that has to be looked up in a dictionary. Apart from this I believe that I am forming an impression of the message the author is trying to promote. And as this message is a matter current interest and a message I am agreeing to, I am looking forward to reading the remainder of the book, in spite of the above-mentioned drawbacks.

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Young Goodman Brown

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Young Goodman Brown. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Young Goodman Brown paper right on time.

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Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, during the time of the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne had resentment toward "Puritan Pride", so he wrote an allegory about his feelings in 185. In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne uses symbolism throughout the whole story. He was known as the "master of symbolism." One significant symbol in the story was the main character's wife's name, Faith. In the story, Hawthorne could've been writing "Faith" as Young Goodman Browns wife, or Goodman Brown's "faith" as a believer in the higher powers.

From the start, Hawthorne describes Goodman Brown as a good Puritan who is devoted to his wife, "Faith", whose name he uses like a shield for his soul. Goodman Brown leaves on a journey without "Faith", his new wife, in the same way that the Puritans left their "faith" at home and set out on a journey apart from Jesus Christ. Brown's desire to journey without "Faith" leads to her sacrifice. For example, Goodman complains to the devil saying, "Faith kept me back awhile." (1). In the same way, the Puritans sacrifice their "faith" and try living self-righteously. But since no one is righteous, their attempt was in vain.

When Goodman Brown learns that his wife has given into the temptation of the Devil, the Christian belief he is struggling to keep is shaken from him. "My Faith is gone! There is no good on earth, and sin is but a name. Come devil! For to thee is the world given." (50). This passage exemplified how Goodman Brown's wife's name contains two meanings. First, he becomes upset because he lost her. However, if you apply the psychological approach to the quote, you can see that he also refers to the fact that he lost his "faith" in a religious sense. He realizes that because he strayed so much on this night of evil that he can no longer be pure.

At the end of Hawthorne's story, Goodman Brown seems to overcome and resist evil, but his success is also his failure. At the climax of his journey, Goodman Brown directs his wife, "Faith! Faith! Look up to heaven, and resist the wicked one" and "hardly had he spoken when he found himself amid calm night and solitude, listening to a roar of the wind, which died heavily away through the forest." (68). By the end of Goodman Brown's journey, he had lost his "Faith", all hope, and his charity.

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Unfortunately, even though Goodman Brown's ability to resist the fascination of evil sustained him through his own perceptions of "faith", he lost something he could never regain his belief in the goodness of mankind. When "faith" is shaken, or lost, whether in religion or in ourselves for not being as constant as we think others are being, we change somehow. Like someone losing their virginity, when the mystery of the church is questioned, or made more real to us, like it was to Goodman Brown in the forest that night, we are never the same.

Hawthorne uses symbolism to write a story that is open and ambiguous to interpretation. Hawthorne himself grew up in a time when many Puritan children were leaving the Puritan "faith". There are many times in the story when he is questioning his "faith" by listing the examples of religious infractions by his peers. For all this, it is a wonder how Hawthorne was not eaten by the misery and guilt he lets Young Goodman Brown feel.

Please note that this sample paper on Young Goodman Brown is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Young Goodman Brown, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Young Goodman Brown will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Cuco rucko

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"The Curse" by Andre Dubus is about Mitchell Hayes, a forty-nine year old bartender

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is witness to a rape. The rape occurs right before closing when five bikers rape a young

woman while holding Mitchell at bay. After the rape, Mitchell is distraught over his

decision of not making a stronger attempt ...

"The Curse" by Andre Dubus is about Mitchell Hayes, a forty-nine year old bartender

who is witness to a rape. The rape occurs right before closing when five bikers rape

a young woman while holding Mitchell at bay. After the rape, Mitchell is distraught

over his decision of not making a stronger attempt to help the girl. Police, family

and friends try to comfort Mitchell by telling ...

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