Comparison of Islamic,Australian,Aboriginal justice systems

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Researching the criminal justice systems of Australia shows historically that it has been a slow but ever changing system. Beneficial only to the satisfaction of society at large. Originating from Roman times our justice system has been developed to keep the status qou within the community and the "powers that be" (government) satisfied with proper punishment/sentencing. Australian justice system has grown out of capitol punishment the last being ( name and date) and various forms of capitol punishment (types of punishment) were abandoned many years ago. However today exile/imprisonment is the mainstream form of punishment in Australia. To commit a crime and to be sentenced to imprisonment requires one to go through a justice system. A person is innocent until found guilty, he has the right to a lawyer to defend him, he is tried be a panel of 1 of his piers (jury) in front of a judge, the prosecution must prove it was beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime was committed. When sentenced to a term in jail, solitude/exile is not going to rehabilitate all prisoners eg; the murderer can often become institutionalised (where he finds he has a life there) due to the freedom available in out correctional centre's. It is possible for the modern day criminal to do a degree, learn a trade, and work on the perfect body while serving his sentence. While they seem to be a form of rehabilitation for re-entering society, they can often just be a good source of time passers. The victims are rarely satisfied and retribution is basically non existent unless punitive damages (suing) are awarded. All imprisonment does is protect the public while the offender is sentenced. However all criminals are incarcerated together which leads one to think are they rehabilitated or learning the criminal trade. For example if you were jailed for a robbery you would be locked up with armed robbers, murderers, and rapists. Solitude is not always a deterrent to crime( birds of a feather flock together)

The criminal justice system for aboriginal people is historically irrelevant to even compare to Australian and western world systems. Aboriginal people were hunter gatherers and people of the land (nomadic ever-moving). Their laws were only relevant to the survival and continuity of their tribe. There was no written law "law" was in the form of stories and beliefs passed down through the tribal elders over many generations. There was no need for presumption of innocence, as tribal living would have mostly witnessed crimes such as inter moiety relations, neglect of spiritual values and beliefs. Aboriginal law was a law that was consistent and never changed, "once it was taught it was known" (ref). Retribution was their only form of punishment and was carried out by the tribal elders or the people directly affected by the crime. The retribution was not only payed to the offender, on many occasions all people involved would be punished. In modern day legal system ( since white settlement) the majority of aboriginals are the less educated Australian's however they are the highest imprisonment per populace. In high Aboriginal areas such as Northern Territory the legal system is trying to use traditional law to help assimilate the cultures, however it is difficult for both parties to interpret their law (need a word) as there law is not written, and many of the crimes today were not relevant per settlement days. For example crimes such as alcohol related crimes, theft, assault would never have in traditional law. In contrast the Aboriginal has very little understanding or our legal system and many are incarcerated never understanding what happened at their trials.

Islamic criminal justice system is based on religion. Their law comes from the Qur'an this book is a map of their entire existence on earth, and covers every single act of there living between birth and death. (how to eat, drink, sleep, pray, what you can and can't see and do and the solution for doing them) According to Allah "the law of religion revealed to mankind to be implemented be all communities for the rest of time. The regulations and laws will remain the same, while the basic principles constitute the framework which human life develops and progresses"(……)Islamic law? religion has no room for misinterpretation it is strict but very straight forward, Divine Law says "reject any part of the code is to reject it all and is to reject religion or faith altogether" Historically Islam has been regarded as a very cruel law. However it's method has near abolished many crimes where Islam is the practice of whole communities. Presumption is paramount in the law to the point that if you can't prove you accusations that "you" will be the one punished. Retribution is defined in many ways for instance if the crime is intentional injury the victims are offered (Qisas) being "an eye of an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life" (Qur'an) However in modern life a monetary award is used. Theft is dealt with be the chopping off of ones hand! And this is a huge deterrent that not only teaches the offender a lesson, he also has to live with it for all time. Evidence show that Islamic communities using traditional law have very little crime, and whilst it may seem cruel it builds a very stringent lifestyle. Western countries call their ways barbaric but time will show that we have done much the same if not more over the centuries but have never been consistent, where as Islamic has remained for all time!!!

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Vincent did a good job on taking on the identity of someone else to gain an upper hand in life in the movie Gattaca. If I were Vincent I wouldn't of pretended to be someone else just so I could do something I always wanted to do. First off I would be very nervous to pretend to be someone else like he did. Second I wouldn't want to cut my legs off to extend them. Third I wouldn't want to do all the things he had to do every single day to be that person. I really couldn't pretend to be someone else, I would be so nervous. I would make it so obvious that I'm not really that person. I'm a very nervous person if I'm doing something I'm not supposed to be doing. I would constantly think that someone is watching me, knowing that I'm pretending to be someone else. So right off the bat I couldn't do it, and wouldn't want to do it anyway even if I could. I wouldn't want to do it also because I really wouldn't want to cut off my legs to extend them. That would hurt so much! Just think about how much that would hurt to have your legs cut totally off and then have them stitched back together, That's already way too much to do just so you can pretend to be someone else and live your dream. I mean I would want to live my dream, but if I had to cut off my legs or something like that I wouldn't want to live that dream anymore. The last reason I wouldn't want to do what Vincent did is that I wouldn't want to do all those things he had to do every single morning. He had to do a lot of things like scrap his skin off him self and then scrap the skin from Jerome on to himself. Also he had to put a bag of Jerome's urine on his leg, which would be very disgusting, bringing Jerome's blood with him and so many more things that would just be annoying to do every single day. None of those things would be fun to do. Everything Vincent did in becoming someone else I just couldn't do. It would mean being nervous, being in pain, being grossed out, and doing annoying things every single day. None of that stuff is worth it at all. I guess Vincent just wanted to live his dream more then I do. Would you do the same?

Please note that this sample paper on gattaca is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on gattaca, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on gattaca will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!


If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Harrison. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Harrison paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Harrison, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Harrison paper at

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Harrison Bergeron

Harrison Bergeron, it was quite overwhelming. When we watched the movie, the story made sense but there were also a few differences. There was a lot of mediocrity in the film and movie.

The film and the story had some differences. One difference was in the story there was no TV but in the film there was. Another difference is the film had boxing and in the story it was ballerinas. The movie and the film also had different clothing. The movie was a normal fifties look and every one was normal besides Harrison I.Q. In the book Harrison was still smart but didnt have a normal family. Another difference was Harrison family. In the movie Harrison was put into jail because he was to smart. In the film Harrison went to a doctor to make him not smart.

The movie and story took place in the future but had different settings. The movie took place in 05 with a fifties motif. The story took place in 081 with a futuristic theme. Harrison also had different life styles between the movie and the film. In the story Harrison was put into jail because he was to smart and his parents disowned him because of that. In the movie Harrison was just taken to the doctor, his parents did not hate him because he was to smart.

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The movie and story also had different character looks. In the movie every body wears fifties clothing. In the story nobody is better looking, smarter, or stronger except Harrison. Both the movie and story had head devices so every body was equal. In the story, Harrisons head device was the same as every body elses except his was monitored by a government transmitter. He was monitored so that he would not take advantage of his brain. The story did not allow anyone to be more handsome or beautiful. If they were too strong they put weights on them. Harrison had to carry 00 pounds of weight.

The Harrison Bergeron story was quite different from the movie. There were some similarities like the head devices but there were more differences. It is a good story to read. It makes you think if the future will really be like that.

Please note that this sample paper on Harrison is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Harrison, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on Harrison will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Mci worldcom

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on mci worldcom. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality mci worldcom paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in mci worldcom, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your mci worldcom paper at

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MCI worldcom

Introduction MCI Worldcom new CEO Bernard Ebbers is changing MCIs old ways. The problem is that MCI before merging spent too much money on accommodations for senior management. The second problem is that MCI Worldcom is ignoring the wireless industry boom. Recommendation I recommend that MCI Worldcom should try to acquire a wireless company like Nextel or Airtouch to gain entry to the booming market. The company would become a better telecommunications business and establish significant market presence that would generate profitability. If MCI Worldcom doesnt acquire a wireless company, they should consolidate. Consolidating with GSM would provide MCI Worldcom with an almost nationwide wireless network. It would also give MCI Worldcom a clear advantage since it is a year and a half ahead than other companies in digital standards. MCI Worldcom must also reduce high costs. To cut costs, the company must first identify where costs can be eliminated or replaced with more economical substitutions. I would also recommend that if the company wants to reduce costs that the CEO should demonstrate his commitment to lowering costs by making himself as an example. I would not invest on MCI Worldcom stock. The companys market price has been trickling down lately. I think that if MCI Worldcom were part of the wireless market then it would improve revenues. Since they have ignored this opportunity, I feel that the company will fall behind because of failure to remain responsive to its customers and to changing market conditions. Current Strategy MCI Worldcoms new CEO Bernard Ebbers philosophy of slashing expenses and consolidating all traffic on a single network has been proved 67 times after buying 67 phone companies. He is now trying to do the same after merging with MCI by reducing carefree spending and avoiding leasing links from other companies for their phone and internet networks. He has reduced the companys workforce by laying off 15 workers and plans to continue. He also has downgraded luxuries for executives such as corporate jets, first class seating and stays at expensive hotels. These luxurious accommodations have been substituted with low cost carriers, coach class and staying at Inns. Mr. Ebbers has also eliminated company cars for all executives except for himself and Chairman Bert C. Roberts Jr. He is also trying to change the organizational structure of MCI Worldcom by using the appropriate control and incentive systems to motivate employee behavior. The new CEO has offered all employees stock options. Stock options give employees the incentive to help improve company performance and to share in the profits that result. He is also implementing a control system that monitors spending by asking executives to submit monthly revenue statements. Bernard Ebbers personal lifestyle and down to earth attitude has also helped project the companys new culture by popping in employee offices to say hello, and wearing jeans and cowboy boots has made him popular among workers. Mr. Ebbers likes to eat in casual restaurants and currently lives in a double wide trailer home on his soybean farm. Ebbers ways of doing business have given results, MCI Worldcom reported fourth quarter revenues surged 14 %, to $8 billion for the combined companies, while net earnings hit $48 million after a loss in the year earlier period. The stock soared to 5.5 % that day, to $80.44. Ebber believes he can bring more results like this in the future and that this is only the beginning. MCI Worldcom currently wants to focus on the data and international services segments. MCI Worldcoms data business is expected to triple to $. billion, by 00. The company also plans to build its own communication networks overseas and boost international sales by 40 % to take market share. ANALYSIS OF MCI WORLDCOM The benefit of MCI Worldcom joining the wireless business segment is that it would become a stronger competitor for AT&T. The number of U.S. wireless customers has risen 5% in the past year to 6 million. By 00 wireless will account for 15% of total communication minutes in the U.S. AT&T is planning to introduce a new bundle of services for corporate customers designed strategically to take advantage of MCI Worldcoms weak point in the wireless segment. The head of AT&Ts corporate unit says that under the new plan they would be able to offer their business customers the same rate for wireless phones equal to long distance rates. Businesses account for 47% of wireless revenues in the U.S. market. Analysts expect these new plans offering bundles of services will increase the AT&T advantage. MCI Worldcom can only win from entering the wireless market. An acquisition or consolidation may dilute earnings but they clearly outweigh the risks. The investment strategy that MCI Worldcom is following is the profit strategy. MCI Worldcom is attempting to maximize their existing data and international fast growing segments. MCI Worldcom data business is expected to triple to $. billion while AT&T data revenues are estimated at only $1. billion. MCI Worldcom is building their own communication networks overseas which gives the company a clear advantage. The profit strategy works only as long as competitive forces remain relatively constant. A company must be alert to threats from the environment and must take care not to become complacent and unresponsive to changes in it. MCI Worldcoms competitors are gaining market share in the profitable growing wireless segment. These are the changes in the telecommunications industry that MCI Worldcom is not responding to. The growth stage is the time for companies to consolidate existing market niches and enter new ones so they can increase market share. MCI Worldcom should follow the growth strategy, which clearly means wireless strategy. The growth strategy s goal is to maintain it's competitive position in a rapidly expanding market and to grow with the expanding market.

Please note that this sample paper on mci worldcom is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on mci worldcom, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on mci worldcom will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Fern Hill Analysis

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Fern Hill Analysis. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Fern Hill Analysis paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Fern Hill Analysis, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Fern Hill Analysis paper at

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The poem Fern Hill written by Dylan Tomas, is about one man reminiscing about his youthful past and glorious childhood. Through countless metaphors, images and symbolism the reader is introduced to this wonderful world full of imagination and reflection.

The boy recalls an easy going, carefree life. Surrounded by; rich meadows, wooden valleys, beautiful playgrounds and gorgeous apple orchids. He reminisces about laying under an apple tree, dark with shade and not having a care in the world. He has memories of pretending to be the prince of the apple town and enjoys being loved by all. Much like how most young children, pretend to be something, or someone else. There is a sense of happiness in this time of the child's life, for he sings happily expressing his emotions.

Through these many joyful memories, as we read on we realize how there is also a sense of sadness as the young man soon realizes how his youth is soon leaving him.

(Quoter lines 1-14) As more childhood memories are presented, such as taking the identity of the herdsman or a huntsman. The boy expresses his feelings through the sounds of his horn and animals such as the foxes and the calves respond. The sounds of the Sabbath rang throughout the valley on this restful Sunday which gives us a sense of calmness.

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That day, there was a bright warm welcoming sun which glowed over the fields. The harvest was good this year, because there are many hay barrels, almost as high as the houses. We also can hear the sounds of the wind whistling through the chimneys. As night approached, the child remembers other childhood memories as he falls asleep to the sounds of the night. We are introduced to many night creatures such as; owls, horses and nightjar. They personally add images and sounds to create a solemn surroundings.

The child awakes in the morning and the reader is given the sense of peacefulness and a serene environment. The boy remembers morning sights as; the farms, sounds of the roosters crowing, dew in the meadows, sun fields or horses walking through the stable. White symbolizes; calm, beauty, peacefulness for it was a new day. References are also made to the bible and Adam and Eve in relation to the world and its creations.

Suddenly, the poem brings us back to reality, where the young carefree boy believe he will live forever. Every day he has a new opportunity to attack the obstacle called life, and believe he has more than one chance day after day.

The last few lines of the poem bring us back to reality that life is full of joys and sadness. All good things do come to an end. As the end draws near you reflect on how wonderful your life was. But also keeping in mind what the future may bring. As children your dreams take you places, with age it happens less often. For example The boy doesn't see the farm in the same eyes as he once did. In childhood, days seem to be long and endless. As your youthfulness becomes shorter so do the days.

In conclusion this poem reminds us to appreciate and hold on to our childhood memories. It tells us that " . . . It is in the remembering that we can cherish the joys of what were; it is in the same memories we can be sad for that which is no more, and it is in knowing both, that we realize that we can live life to the fullest." -author unknown.

Please note that this sample paper on Fern Hill Analysis is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Fern Hill Analysis, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Fern Hill Analysis will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!