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Home schooling for Handicapped Children
More and more parents with handicapped children are unhappy with the education their children have been getting. The main reason for this is that public schools are not focusing on the child's needs. So parents have been taking the education in there own hands by home schooling their mentally handicapped children. The parents are upset because the schools are not meeting their children's needs. So the parents have been taking the education in there own hands by home schooling their mentally handicapped children. The parents are upset because the schools are not meeting their children's needs their specific needs, their individual needs, and their academic needs. The parents have found that having their child at home has given the parent and the child a stronger bond than when they were in school. There are more benefits to a child being at home then at school. They are healthier, and don't' get as much of the cold as the other children do, they don't have to be mad fun of and come crying home every night.
Parents have become more independent for their children's education cause the schools have not been taking it into consideration and their specific needs are not being met.. Because the schools have to go by a certain curriculum all students are marked the same way. They are expected to complete everything that the other students are doing in the same amount of time, and with the same amount of help. For Example, "Children with ADD have a very hard time staying focused on one thing at a time and they can be easily distracted, which makes it difficult for them to accomplish their work, in the same amount of time" (Hayes, 000,p). Because of this type of treatment, the parents have taken
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school into their own hands and home. If the child that is being home schooled has ADD it's easier for them to concentrate and get the job done in less time then they would get it done in class, which could make them get the job done in the same period of time as other children. They can also accomplish more when they feel comfortable with asking the parent for help when they don't understand. By home schooling them they are given an equal chance to graduate school at the same time as their classmates, and they would be graduating at a higher grade level, then they would be if they were at school.
Parents who have taken home schooling as the road for educating their children have taken it because schools are not meeting the students individual needs. The schools have become so big and there are to many students for one teacher to teach, which makes it easier for the shy and slower children to slip down the cracks. "At the end of the year if a student is lacking in reading but doing well in the other subjects in school, the child will be held back to repeat the grade again" (Hensley, 15, p.101). If the schools had less students and more teachers this problem would be addressed and worked on they would not have to repeat the grade again. Also by just failing one grade the student could feel like they have failed, which to a handicapped child is a big deal, because they will try to avoid other tasks for fear of failing. Unfortunately public schools do not have tutoring for anyone, they do not have the time to work one-on-one with a student, they have to many things to accomplish in a day to help a child for a long period of time. If the handicapped child has home schooling the parents knows it's weak spots in school and their strong
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points, so they can focus on the weak points, and the parent doesn't have anyone else to attend to so the child gets full attention. The child does not have to wait on the teacher to come to them, and they don't have to worry about having their hand up for most of the class. Home schooling is meeting the individual needs of their handicapped children better than at a school with one teacher and many students.
The academic needs of handicapped children are not being met. Parents expect that their handicapped children will be taught at a level that will be appropriate for them, and at a level that will make them feel comfortable. Parents also expect that they will be teaching them the basic things in all subjects. But Schools in Canada are failing to do so. Recent studies show that .0 million who graduate there are 1% that cannot read or write at a grade eight level or functionally literate level (www.StatisticCanada.com-Education, 00) This is awful for our country since it's suppose to be so developed. Handicapped children rank in the 50% range while home schooled handicapped children rank between 60 and 7%These statistics show that home schooling compared to public education is better for the child (education press). Handicapped children receive a better education when there are less distractions and there is more attention available for them.
By no means are public schools a negative atmosphere for children, but for handicapped children it can make the learning experience a lot harder for them. This is why parents are jumping straight into home schooling for their children. Not only is the child benefiting from it, the parent also benefits to know on hand how the child is progressing in school and the target areas that they need to work on. The society benefits also. By educating the child to the best of their ability will help the individual to obtain a job and live a successful life. The facts show that handicapped children can learn just as fast as non-handicapped children when they are being taught at home with full attention. They are having their needs met, and they are getting an equal chance to be as close to normal in school curriculum to their peers. Home school is currently the best way to go about if you have a handicapped child that is being over looked, and not having their needs met to the fullest.
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