Body piercing

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To most teenagers today the rage of fashion seems to be body piercing. An ancient tradition turned into a post-modern form of "trendy self expression". A young man seeking attention slowly and inadequately walks into a tattoo parlor with the expectation of leaving a new person.

The young man sits down with great fear preparing and expecting the worst. The man begins to prep himself with soap and water to disinfect his hands, which have pierced all day. Slowly and carefully he explains to the young man the procedure of a tongue piercing emphasizing the after care. Agreed by the young man, he then begins to mark the area on the tongue with a blue pen to target the direction of the thick needle. While sterilizing both the needle and the piercing jewelry, he can easily sense the fear in the young mans eyes.

Without any hesitation or animation, he grabs for the piercing claps and tightly secures them completely around the tongue. Now placing the needle at the top center of the young mans tongue he mutters, "Exhale". While the young man exhales, with force he thrusts the needle through the tongue, quickly releasing the clamps. Screwing tightly the end pieces of the jewelry, he is agitated by the young man's rambling about his fear of today's visit. To him he is just another client with the same fears as everyone else.

While double checking his work, he again stresses the after care procedure and its importance. Handing the young man a bottle of Listerine, he sarcastically says " This will be your most prized possession for the next 2 weeks, use it as much as possible". The young man walks out with a good attitude and the feeling that he has made a good decision.

Essay service for your Body piercing paper

He's just one of the many teens today who feels their decision is a good one. He fell into the trend and is now debating on another installment to his individuality, a tattoo.

Please note that this sample paper on Body piercing is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Body piercing, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Body piercing will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Child Hood Memorys

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Child Hood Memorys. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Child Hood Memorys paper right on time.

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My Favorite Childhood Memories, it is so hard to choose because I do have a lot but here is one that when I was a child it happened once a year every year.

The week of the Fourth of July me, my mom, dad and brothers and sister would rent a house along with my Aunt Carleen, Uncle Chuck and my four cousins at the beach. We would get new clothes and go down buy groceries for the twelve of us and settle down to have a week full of fun, relaxation and well more fun. This week included going out to eat once as a big family one night, the parents going out to eat and have fun one night while we got pizza ordered in and got to watch movies and me getting to be the boss even though I wasn't the oldest. That was because until I was about eleven I was the only girl besides my mom and aunt which really doesn't count. But it also included my dad spending all the time with the guys (going golfing going to the ocean…) He would hardly ever play with me. Until about the third morning there (which usually ended up being the fourth of July) He would get me up extra early and he would take me out to eat like at burger king, McDonalds or somewhere like that because I loved biscuits and wasn't a very big breakfast eater. We would then head off to the Grocery store to pick up anything we needed for the rest of the week or just anything I wanted. Then off to unload everything at the house and hide the evidence of our morning breakfast so nobody found out until about lunch time that we had even left because they noticed the food that had appeared in the cabinets.

So even though he played with the guys I still knew that I was daddies little girl just as I am to this day even though he shows it a little differently. That is one of my series I guess you would say of my favorite childhood memories.

Jessica D. Clark



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Organizational climate

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on organizational climate. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality organizational climate paper right on time.

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Organizational Climate

Donald Tate

University of Phoenix


Professional writers help on organizational climate essays

Group # FV0BAC01

Joe Cheng

July , 00


The following is a description of the organizational behavior of the Transportation Security Administration / TSA, at John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, California. I speak to this subject with deep regard and respect as a result of being currently employed there as a screening supervisor. Much of the information I write is of a general nature due to the security sensitive status of my position and would deeply appreciate the understanding of the reader of my inability to talk in specifics of any given situation or issue.


The management at the Transportation Security Administration considers our organization to be a paramilitary group at the very least. Special attention is given to the ability of individuals to adhere to the standard operating procedure and follow direct orders with out question as long as they are within the boundaries of the standard operating procedure document.

Speaking for myself, I find this a less than easy situation to work in given that I am an intuitive-feeling type A personality that often sees things as they could and should be instead of the way they are in the current environment. (University of Phoenix, (Ed.) 00, pg) Let's just say that I'm good at self-monitoring or changing with required needs of other higher authority types. (University of Phoenix, (Ed.) 00, pg5)

The generally accepted way of communicating follows a chain of command with the subordinates held accountable for their actions and words by the direct superior. This concept is borrowed specifically from our nations military and police force leaving little room for personality types. In fact, I'm beginning to believe that the desired personality trait that was most desired upon hiring follows the authoritarianism belief of trusting higher authority. (University of Phoenix, (Ed.) 00, pg4) This does not mean there is no room for exception, instead it means that they went after a very specific type of person to insure the security of our nation and was willing to accept someone who was a little different as long they maintained a high ethical standard. In short, our communication at TSA tries to marry an open honest environment with strict adherence to rules and regulations.


The values and attitudes at John Wayne airport for the TSA are best described by Maglino and associates value category of helping and concern for others. (University of Phoenix, (Ed.) 00, pg8) I say this because if the pay scale does not reflect what the intensity and working conditions of their job in tale. The fact is they don't make much money when compared to the counties statistical average income. If any one were to ask why any of us took the job to begin with the general consensus would be the same for all, to do something of eminent good, the money is very secondary. The subculture is the majority with a tightly knit group bound with one very strong idealistic point of reference.

Another area of cultural makeup is ethnic and gender diversity. One must remember that we are a federal agency, and while hiring practices should be in line with equal opportunity employment practices, it is not the same EEO that the private sector adheres. We do have a screener workforce that is made up of about 65% women and 0% men over the age of 40. The other side of that equation is that most of them are Caucasians, which may not reflect the surrounding residential area. Again, the rules are a little different for the private sector as compared to a federal agency. In essence, anyone can take issue with our practices but does not have the ability to litigate an issue without the written approval of federal agency that is being sued.


Conflict and conflict resolution is a major part of what the TSA organization does as a whole. Fortunately, the majority of the conflict is between the traveling public and our screeners and not between the screening workforces themselves. When I view the types of conflicts that my group is faced with, I can see that this is one of the major threads that makes us a little closer to each other as people. The majority seems to come to each other's side as a form of support to when the surrounding environment becomes difficult and serves as an aid in team building on a daily basis. When conflict between employees does arise it is dealt with swiftly since we are very much in the public eye and any dissemination between us is not acceptable and can result in undesired press coverage. The way conflict is handled is in accordance with typical military fashion, meaning we try to recognize the importance of each individuals view and insure the compliance to the set rules.

Other types of conflicts such as planned and unplanned change are resolved using mostly the rational persuasion strategy. (University of Phoenix, (Ed.) 00, pg 6) The change is presented as a result of a specific action that would constitute it being required for the sake of eminent good backed by facts.


Because of the security sensitive nature of my job, and the safety of our nation, I am not able to address this subject in any manner that would seem acceptable. I can say that TSA has all the latest technology available to thwart any attempt at terrorism and we are adopting new technology as it becomes available along with the training needed to use this technology effectively.


University of Phoenix (Ed.). (00). Organizational behavior [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. New York Wiley.

Please note that this sample paper on organizational climate is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on organizational climate, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on organizational climate will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ravenstail. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ravenstail paper right on time.

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Ravenstail weaving predates the Chilkat weaving by about 400 years, and for almost 00 years there were no known weavers. We say no known weavers because no one went to all the remote villages and asked, "Do you weave, and did your Mother or Grandmother weave the Ravenstail?" The natural progression of weaving was from the Cedar bark and spruce root weaving into the Ravenstail then the Chilkat weaving. The basket and Ravenstail weaving was all in the hands of the woman; she had full control of the designs. When the Chilkat weaving came about the men became involved. A Master carver would carve or paint a pattern board the size of the robe; the pattern would only be on one half of the board and the weaver had to create a mirrored image on the other half of the weaving. If the carver was a generous man he would create templates of the ovoids so the weaver could make sure her sizes were correct. The Ravenstail warp was originally from the Mountain Goat; since our hunting season is wrong for gathering their wool we now use merino sheep wool that is thigh spun. In the past 0 years people have tried to use spinning wheels and other spinning tools to spin the warp, but none of them spin what we need so we still do it the original way on a damp thigh. The traditional colors are white, black, and yellow. White was the natural color of the wool, black was from ash or iron ore, and the yellow was from wolf moss which grows on trees on the mainland.

Ravenstail was rediscovered by accident by a Chilkat weaver named Cheryl Samuels. She was in a museum researching the Chilkat weaving when she came across a box labeled Tsimsian yarn. She asked if she could look into the box and was left alone. When she opened the box it looked like a bunch of yarn but when she began moving the yarn she found it to be a woven robe. The robe was in very bad shape, but since she was a Chilkat weaver she knew she had found something special. This started her on a search of the known countries that had traded in Alaska to find any and all information on this form of weaving. In her travels she found 15 robes some were still whole but most were in pieces some pieces as small as a dime, some pieces where even in separate countries. Cheryl then returned to Alaska and began reteaching the Alaskans the art of Ravenstail weaving. The 15 robes are now called the Mother robes to show respect to the original weavers, and the robes are now our teachers.

Ravenstail weaving is done on an open loom, as is the Chilkat. The weaver is responsible to keep the tension proper along with the alignment. Ravenstail is done over or 4 warps at a time depending on the pattern she is working. All rows are worked one at a time tying off at the end of each row and inserting a fringe at the beginning of the row. All pattern areas are enclosed within a three strand twined box that ends with a braided tail, which is what the Ravenstail is named for. A Robe may take a year or more to weave and is sized for the person who has commissioned it.

In the past 0 to 5 years the Weavers have grown from 0 to over 00. This is my best guess based on the number of classes and students. Of course some students have woven only one item while others just keep on learning and making something new all the time.

Please note that this sample paper on Ravenstail is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ravenstail, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Ravenstail will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Impacts on Canadian history

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Impacts on Canadian history. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Impacts on Canadian history paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Impacts on Canadian history, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Impacts on Canadian history paper at

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Since Canada became a nation, many thing have happened that have defined Canada as a remarkable nation in progress. People can recall things like Vimy Ridge, the Persons Case, Dieppe, and the Quebec referendum. These four things have assisted in creating the Canada we now know.

In 117, during World War Two, Canadian troops fought at Vimy Ridge. The Germans had been protecting the ridge, and had already defeated the French and British troop in 115. The Canadians realized that they needed to outsmart the Germans, and use technology that had never been used in was before. The troops built roads, a railway track and buried 1 miles of signal cable. They laid out 66 miles of telephone wire. They even laddered the wires. This was when they had separate lines with connecting links, this way a shell wouldnt be able to ruin the connection. Tunnelling companies dug 11 underground halls to help infantry get to their positions safely. On April th (Easter Morning) at 50 am troops were awake and ready for battle. Almost 1000 guns opened fire. Imagine the loudest clap of thunder you ever heard.1

We used the leap frog effect. Usually, after the shells stop firing, the opposition knows that your troops our now coming, however, we used out communication wires to tell the people at the base where we were located so the could fire the shells away from them. The troops made it to the enemies side, just as they were crawling out of the trenches. 0 000 men fought and 10600 were killed or wounded in four hours. This was a defining moment since the Canadians did what others thought couldnt be done. It lifted our spirts for the remainder of the war, and encouraged us to go further, because we now knew we could do anything.

Next is the Persons Case. This occurred in 1. Women were not legally Persons. 5 women known as the Famous Five Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Emily Murphy and Irene Parlby signed a petition directed to the Governor General. They wanted the Supreme Court to deiced if women were able to become Senators un the BNA act. They however said that Persons were able to become Senators, and Women were not persons. The word persons had a strict legal definition and had excluded women from university degrees, voting, certain jobs , and holding in public office. The five women realised that women were equal to men and they should legally able to do all things men can do. After the Famous Fivewere told they were not persons by the supreme court they went t to the Privy Council and demanded support for women. There objective had been reached. This changed the role of women forever. Women could now finish school, try new careers and they changed their looks to. Womens arms and legs were being revealed. Hair was cut short and women could now smoke in public. Thanks to the Famous Five, the role of women had always been wives and mothers, now women have the same roles as men.

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Third is the battle of Dieppe. This was in August of 14. Dieppe was a french port under the control of Germans. The allies new they need to find a way into Frans and win it back from the Germans. They figured that Dieppe would be the easiest way in. The Canadian division had been selected to conduct an experimental raid at Dieppe. This attack would combine Naval, air and land operations. Canadians were enthusiastic since they had seen little action since 140. However, the raid on Dieppe was not successful. Canadians had been out of practise since they hadnt battled in a long time. They also had very little knowledge of the layout at the port. They also lacked artillery and were outnumbered by German troops. Since the raid took place on sand, the tanks all got stuck and were immobile, and many of the ships waiting for retreating troops were hit and sunk. Canadians had accounted for 46 of the 6100 troops and 07 had been killed, and 1874 were taken prisoner. Canadians fought well and brave. Even though the raid was very unsuccessful the battle was a great learning experience. It taught the Canadian troops to be more prepared, trained and informed. They took the knowledge that they had gained at Dieppe with them when they were in Normandy and had to fight at Juno Beach, and Canada had easily won the beach. The aim of Dieppe was to practise techniques for later in the war, even though they were unsuccessful, they learned many things that helped later in the war.

Finally, The Quebec Referendum. In 15, Quebec held a referendum to make the final decision on whether or not they should separate. The PQ leader Jacques Parizeau, promised a referendum on full sovereignty. Parizeau felt that Quebec could easily enter the United Nations, use the Canadian dollar, and try to get a free trade deal with Canada. Only Quebeckers could vote in the referendum and Parizeau thought for sure that his side would win, and Quebec would be separate. However, after the vote, Parizeau was shocked. The side the voted no, won by a few votes. 50.58 people voted no and 4.4 voted yes for separation. Parizeau decided that he could no longer stay in parliament, so he resigned, and Lucien Bouchard took his place. This was an important moment in Canadian history because it showed Canadas unity. This showed that Quebeckers truly feel like they are a part of Canada, and even though we dont always get long, we are a country united.

In conclusion, I feel that Canada has had many moments that defined us as a nation. Vimy Ridge, Persons Case, Dieppe and Quebec Referendum were all moments that were important in our history. These moments make up the great nation we have today.

Please note that this sample paper on Impacts on Canadian history is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Impacts on Canadian history, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Impacts on Canadian history will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!