Distillation: Separation of Alcohol and Water

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Distillation Separation of Alcohol and Water


In this experiment, we separate 15 mL of a 0% ethanol-water solution by using the method of simple distillation and fractional distillation.


The most common method for separating and purifying volatile liquids is distillation, which makes use of the specific boiling points of the liquid components in the mixture. It involves heating a substance to vapor and cool it down again. There are two methods of distillation¡Xsimple distillation and fractional distillation. When the minor component is nonvolatile, or when one of the liquids has a boiling point well below the others, that is, the components differ greater than 0-40 C, a simple distillation is used. However, if there are two or more liquid components, which have boiling points near each other which means the components differ by less than 0-40C, a fractional distillation must be used.

Azeotrope is a mixture of liquids that distill at a constant temperature without changing compositions. Also the composition of the vapor and liquid phases of azeotropes must be the same. The best-known is 5.5% ethanol and 4.5% water. Any mixture of component that forms an azeotrope, approaches the composition of the azeotrope and cannot be further separated. The refractive index of ethanol is n=1.. If I took the refractive index of the first ml distillate in the fractional distillation, it would be around n=1. since ethanol is the major component in the distillate.


In simple distillation, the experimental boiling points of ethanol and water are 8C and 100C respectively. In fractional distillation, the boiling points are 78C and 100C which correspond to the theoretical value. Also, the first couple mL of solution I collected in the graduated cylinder was mainly ethanol. Since ethanol has a relatively low boiling point, when the solution was heated to around 78C, ethanol solutes turned to vapor and condensed. When we repeat the process¡Xvaporization-condensation, the ethanol I collected is more pure. We have different results in simple distillation and fractional distillation because simple distillation is used when the boiling points of the components greater than 0-40C. Moreover, fractional column has varying numbers of theoretical plates which can repeat distilling the solution and yield a more accurate result. For the first theoretical plate, we should have got 800 ethanol-water, 8515 for the second, and 010 for the third one. Ethanol is more pure as it is distilled after each theoretical plate. On the other hand, no column is used in the simple distillation. As we know that the boiling point if ethanol is 78.C and water is 100C, simple distillation is not a good method to distill the solution ethanol-water. Hence, it gave a less accurate result than fractional distillation. According to the ethanol concentration of the solution, there is 15mL 0% = ml of pure ethanol. As the data shown in table 1 and , the temperatures of the solution in simple and fractional distillation are 4C and 8C respectively. Since the boiling point of ethanol is only 78.C, what makes the temperature (when volume=mL) higher is some water distilled and condensed when we distill ethanol-water. The higher the temperature, the more water distilled. Thus, for the same amount of mL liquid, the one obtained in fractional distillation has more ethanol than the one is simple distillation because 4C8C. Furthermore, the boiling point of ethanol in simple distillation (table 1) is a little bit higher because I placed the thermometer bulb too low, vapor impurities might reach it, and it gave a higher reading of boiling point.

volume(mL) Temp (C)

0.5 8

1 85

1.5 86


.5 1


.5 5

4 7

4.5 7




Volume(mL) Temp(C)

0.5 78

1 78

1.5 7


.5 8


.5 8

4 7





Table 1 simple distillation Table fractional distillation


Place 15 mL of a mixture of 0%ethanol-water in a 5 mL round-bottomed flask. Add two or three boiling stones to make boiling smooth. Use a 10ml graduated cylinder as the receiver. Pay particular attention to the thermometer bulb placement. Heat the mixture with a heating plate. Let some water go through the condenser slowly, it helps to cool down the vapor. For water, the maximum setting may be needed initially. Watch the ¡¥pot¡¦ to see that it does not boil so vigorously that liquid runs over the top. When the mixture begins to boil and the vapor reaches the thermometer, regulate the heat so that the distillation continues steadily. Record the temperature and total volume every .5 mL. After done for the simple distillation, put the distillate back into the round-bottom flask for fractional distillation. It is best not to do this experiment in the hood, because the draft cools the column. Also be sure that your fractionating column is packed loosely with steel wool. Repeat the steps of above for fractional distillation. When distilling the solution, be careful with the hot plate because it is very hot. Also, for the data, plot the distillation data (V vs. T) using excel. Plot temperature on the y axis and volume on the x axis.


Chemistry 6A and 6B Laboratory Methods of Organic Chemistry P.14

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My lover,Johnna

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on My lover,Johnna. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements.

Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality My lover,Johnna paper right on time. 

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in My lover,Johnna, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your My lover,Johnna paper at

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My one and only love is Johnna. Ever since the first grade I have loved her. She came to me after class of our first day of high school and said "I love you Franceso." I did not know what to say so I said "I love you too Johnna."

We shared a kiss so pationite I wanted to make love to her right there so I said "I have loved you since we first met and now I wish to ask you out to dinner and a drink at my place tonight."

I went straight home and changed then went to the store. I bought condoms,wine,candles,and insence.I wanted it to be romantic.

She showed up at 9 and we had dinner,and a glass of wine and then we started making out. After 5 minutes of kissing she said "I want you now,I want you inside me now!."

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I obeyed and we started undressing.Once both of us were entirely naked we got back into bed and she spread her legs open invint my hot erect penis in.I pushed and she moaned.I thrusted and thrusted.She screamed at she hit her climax and then I gave one last thrust and collapsed onto the bed.

Then she got on her knees and put her head between me legs and started to gently lick my testicles.It made me feel so horn.Then she put them into her mouth and teased them with her tounge.She took her mouth off them and took my penis into her mouth and started teasing the tip of it.My hot steamy cum shot into her mouth and she just licked harder.

I then moved onto her. She opened her legs and I put my mouth into her hot bush. Her mouth was wet so I stuck my tounge inside her and started moving it around while I playfully teased her breasts with my fingers.Then I took my spare hand and moved it up and down in her vagina.She moaned and fell backwards.

Please note that this sample paper on My lover,Johnna is for your review only.

In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on My lover,Johnna, we are here to assist you. Your custom paper on My lover,Johnna will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Kris Roe - A Legend

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Kris Roe - A Legend. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Kris Roe - A Legend paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Kris Roe - A Legend, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Kris Roe - A Legend paper at affordable prices !

Our cds are not 18 dollars... we still sell our cds for pretty much the same price as when we started. I use the word pretty much only because most people dont realize that most clubs including the club you mentioned the State Theatre get a 0% average cut of a bands merch every time they play there, the reason is that the band is using the club to sell a product therefore they are giving you a retail space for the evening hence they get a 0% average cut. (One reason why Fugazi refuse to sell anything at shows), Anyways you figure we have to buy our cds from our label out of our pocket to sell at shows then traveling expenses, having cds often shipped to us while we are on the road and so on figured in, then subtract another 0% to pay the club for absolutely nothing and you will find we really only make around aprox. $.5 a C.D. selling them for $1 bucks which is what we always do our best to sell them for. $1 bucks is still selling our cd for way less than most stores do, our cd prices in stores are the same as when we started, kung fu have not changed their prices. certian major chain stores however make up their own prices by adding two sometimes even three dollars to the distributors average price of around $14 dollars, add on $ dollars to that and you will have $17 dollars... me, I will have an excuse to shop at an indie store and avoid chain stores. although some chain stores actually undercut indie stores... they can afford to do this because they have more money and is why a corporation such as Wal-mart can move into a small town and shut down pretty much every small business in town, ever seen their adds saying We match any competitors price theyre not the #1 grossing multi-national corporation for nothing. They litterally crush the competiton. Anyways, when our Columbia release does come out most major labels actually do a period (Usually the first 4 weeks or so.) where they have stores sell the bands C.D. for around $ bucks or less. This is so you can get it for cheaper and people who havent neccessarily heard of us are more likely to check out something new if it is under ten bucks in comparison to $15. you will find that labels do this now for most new releases of newer artists. a few I have seen lately being Midtown, New Found Glory... etc. today I bought The Vines brand new record that came out today on Capitol at a very large store and it was on sale for eight bucks! This also helps younger bands sell really impressive amounts for the first week so they will chart easier. after this 4 week period most stores usually put the price back up to the normal major label list price which is around $15 bucks compared to the indie labels fourteen... if you want me to personally refund you this extra dollar I will have no problem doing so if you just e-mail rob@ataris.com with your address, if you think I am kidding just try me. the bottom line is if everyone would quit whining about how everyone is a sell out and how things arent what they used to be for five seconds you will realize that we are and will always be the same band that we were when we started. the only difference is you. We care about our fans more that you will ever know... if we didnt give a shit I wouldnt be writing this. Think about it. we always go out of our way in every way possible to be on the most equal and personal down to earth level with our fans and some people still dont get it. we let kids play a song on guitar with us at every show, write people back personally, we even opened our own record store so kids could come by when they are in town and meet us personally when were not on tour. no one has any power to make us change anything or would ever want to ,as far as you seeing us play for around 0 people or whatever.. hey, I dont know about you but we started a band to try and gain as many fans as posssible when we were playing for thirty people our hopes were that next time when we came back through that there would be way more people there. Im glad you had a good memory of seeing us when no one else was there and granted I have some great memories from playing those shows but I would still much rather play any club full than an empty one any day... If you like playing empty clubs so much, I suggest you get in the van and then write me back after youve been on the road on your self booked, self funded tour for three months with no money in your pocket then we will discuss how good it feels to finally make a living doing what you always put your heart to and how good it feels to finally not have to work at one of the many shit retail jobs you have had. We will always continue to play smaller venues, the ticket prices will still be whatever price we choose, the shows will always be all ages at venues that we choose to play at, we will still pick what bands we want to open for us and most of all we will continue to be on a personal level with our fans more than we ever have because we know what its like to be that kid in the crowd singing along every single word, we know what its like to write a band and have them personally write you back to say thanks for listening to their songs and that it really means alot to them, we know what its like to drive five hours to see a show in a shitty car, wait in line three more and then wait in the freezing cold afterwords to meet the band you went to see. you know why? Cause we are those kids and that is why we care so much. And if you dont get it fine but alot of people do and that is why we are playing music. have a pleasant day. -your friends, the ataris

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Don't worry be happy

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Our life passes by very fast, we need to enjoy every moment,

because we will never know will it come to the end, so take the time to cherish every moment. Also sometimes we need to take chance if we want our dreams to come true.

Life aboad a Navy ship one of the most dangerous jobs in the world is working aboard a US Navy ship, the days starts early in the morning an it doesnt stop until sunset, during long hard days, a navy sailor must endure many hurdels, they must learn to be flexible and being able to handle any dangerous situation that may jeaporize the mission of the ship. from early morning until the sailors prepares to go to bed, he must always be alert for any unsafe conditions. The sailor learn how to survive the rough condition in being on a ship, just like a person learning how to survive in the streets. If a sailor is station aboard a AirCraft an has to word on ther flight deck, the danger is alot more dangerous, he takes the risk of getting blow off the ship or getting hit by a plane. After a long hard day, if the ship is in the middle of the ocean, in many caese a sailor cannot go to relief stress from working a long hard day, he must find a comfortable place were he can relax and getting ready for the next day. A sailor can go to the ships gym, the liberary, computer room to check his e-mail or the internet. So for a sailor while on break life ist to bad, just need to keep busy, if not the days will get longer and longer, being on a six month deployment is one of the toughtes assignment for a man or women which they have to endure, it not very easy , os keeping busy and finding a good hobbie to keep you busy and your mind off your love ones back home. Dont worry be happy.


Please note that this sample paper on Don't worry be happy is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Don't worry be happy, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Don't worry be happy will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!